- Preparation of spent Zn-C batteries- sludge-based activated carbon and adsorption of SO2
- 基金项目:陕西省高水平大学专项资金项目(No.2013SXTS03);延安市科技局项目(No.2012kg-11)
- 牛志睿
- 1. 延安大学石油工程与环境工程学院, 延安 716000;2. 北京理工大学化工与环境学院, 北京 100081
- 王建
- 延安大学石油工程与环境工程学院, 延安 716000
- 山宝琴
- 延安大学石油工程与环境工程学院, 延安 716000
- 刘羽
- 延安大学石油工程与环境工程学院, 延安 716000
- 摘要:以污水厂二次污泥为主要原料,掺杂不同量的废旧Zn-C电池电极材料,采用ZnCl2活化法制备出废旧Zn-C电池-活性污泥炭,表征分析污泥炭样品的碘吸附值、BET、FT-IR、SEM-EDS和XRD,并进行了低浓度SO2气体动态吸附试验.试验结果表明,污泥与电池粉末质量比为3 : 1时,污泥炭的碘吸附值和比表面积分别达到750.6 mg · g-1和708.5 m2 · g-1,优于纯污泥炭;回归分析表明,污泥炭吸附低浓度SO2的速率可用班厄姆公式描述,吸附平衡表达式可用Freundlih方程、Langmuir等温方程式表达,而Freundlih方程拟和效果更好.
- Abstract:Physical-chemical activation was carried out to prepare the spent Zn-C batteries -sludge-based activated carbons (BSAC), using secondary sludge from municipal wastewater treatment plant and different quantity of spent Zn-C batteries as raw material, and with ZnCl2 as activator. The iodine adsorption of the BSACs and their micro-structures were characterized by BET, SEM-EDS, FT-IR and XRD techniques; meanwhile, the dynamic absorption of the low concentration SO2 by BSACs was studied. Experimental results showed that the iodine adsorption and specific surface area of BSACs reached 750.6 mg · g-1 and 708.5 m2 · g-1 under the optimal mass ratio of sludge and battery powder (3 : 1), which was better than that of the sludge-based activated carbons. Additionally, the regression analysis results showed the rate of the absorption of low concentration SO2 was well described by Bangham equation and the adsorption equilibrium was described by both Freundlich and Langmuir equation, while the Freundlich equation was better.
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