
  • 庞燕,项颂,储昭升,薛力强,孙莉.基于GIS的洱海农村生活污水及其TN产排强度空间分析及控制对策[J].环境科学学报,2015,35(10):3344-3352

  • 基于GIS的洱海农村生活污水及其TN产排强度空间分析及控制对策
  • Spatial distribution of rural domestic sewage and TN in Erhai based on GIS and control strategy
  • 基金项目:国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(No. 2010ZX07105-002-01, 2012ZX07105-003-03)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 庞燕
  • 中国环境科学研究院湖泊生态环境创新基地, 北京 100012
  • 项颂
  • 中国环境科学研究院湖泊生态环境创新基地, 北京 100012
  • 储昭升
  • 中国环境科学研究院湖泊生态环境创新基地, 北京 100012
  • 薛力强
  • 中国环境科学研究院湖泊生态环境创新基地, 北京 100012
  • 孙莉
  • 1. 中国环境科学研究院湖泊生态环境创新基地, 北京 100012;2. 安徽师范大学环境科学与工程学院, 芜湖 241003
  • 摘要:农村生活污水是造成洱海富营养的重要污染源,对其进行定量定点分析是开展农村生活污水治理的前提.本文利用GIS软件,基于普查数据,综合源强估算法和清单分析法,从水文、地貌和行政区划3个角度,对洱海流域农村生活污水及其TN产排强度进行定量估算和空间分析.在此基础上,利用加权指数法和因子分析法对流域进行管理分区,并提出相应的控制对策.结果表明,2012年,洱海流域农村生活污水平均产、排强度分别为2572.03 t·km-2·a-1 和1919.34 t·km-2·a-1,农村生活污水中TN平均产、排强度分别为1002.23 t·km-2·a-1 和747.90 t·km-2·a-1;各小流域农村生活污水和TN产生强度大小均为:苍山十八溪流域> 波罗江流域> 东部山溪流域> 西洱河流域> 北三江流域,各小流域两者排放强度大小均为:苍山十八溪流域> 波罗江流域> 西洱河流域> 东部山溪流域> 北三江流域,苍山十八溪流域和波罗江流域是主要源区;3类地貌区农村生活污水和TN产排强度大小依次为:湖滨缓冲区> 平坝区> 山区,湖滨缓冲区对农村生活污水及其TN产排贡献最大;17个乡镇农村生活污水及TN产生强度由大到小为:经济开发区> 大理镇> 银桥镇> 湾桥镇> 喜洲镇> 上关镇> 邓川镇> 右所镇> 挖色镇> 下关镇> 凤羽镇> 海东镇> 凤仪镇> 茈碧湖镇> 三营镇> 牛街乡> 双廊镇,各乡镇两者排放强度依次为:经济开发区> 湾桥镇> 银桥镇> 大理镇> 邓川镇> 喜洲镇> 右所镇> 挖色镇> 上关镇> 下关镇> 三营镇> 海东镇> 凤仪镇> 茈碧湖镇> 凤羽镇> 牛街乡> 双廊镇,经济开发区是产排强度最重的区域.综合上述3个方面的分析结果,结合区域的功能定位,对洱海流域农村生活污水提出了"二级控制区3种模式"的控制对策.
  • Abstract:Rural domestic sewage has been an important pollution source causing eutrophication of Erhai Lake. Therefore, a quantitative analysis for sewage is the premise for rural pollution control. Based on global information system (GIS) and census data, source intensity estimation and inventory analysis method were utilized to evaluate rural sewage and total nitrogen (TN) production and discharge in Erhai Lake basin quantitatively and spatially with respect to hydrology, geomorphology and administrative division. Further, this area was divided to manage based on weighted index methods and factor analysis and the corresponding control strategies for different zones were raised. The results showed that average production and discharge of rural domestic sewage of Erhai Lake in 2012 were 2572.03 t·km-2·a-1and 1919.34 t·km-2·a-1 respectively, within which average production and discharge for total nitrogen were 1002.23 t·km-2·a-1 and 747.90 t·km-2·a-1. The production of rural domestic sewage and TN in each watershed was in the following order:Cangshan basin > Boluojiang basin > East Shanxi basin > Xi Erhe > North Sanjiang basin, the discharge was in the following order as:Cangshan basin>Boluojiang basin>Xi Erhe>East Shanxi basin>North Sanjiang basin, among which Cangshan basin and Boluojiang basin are the main source. according to topography results, Rural sewage and TN production and discharge was in the order of:lakeshore buffer area > pingba area > mountainous area, among which lakeshore buffer area contributes the most. The ranking of 17 towns according to sewage production and discharge was in the order as:Economic Development zone > Dali>Yinqiao>Wanqiao >Xizhou>Shangguan> Dengchuan >Yousuo >Wase>Xiaguan>Fengyu>Haidong>Fengyi>Cibihu> Sanying > Niujie> Shuanglang, emission intensity was in the order:Economic development zone > Wanqiao > Yinqiao > Dali > Dengchuan > Xizhou > Yousuo > Wase > Shangguan > Xiaguan >Sanying> Haidong > Fengyi > Cibihu > Fengyu > Niujie > Shuanglang, among which the Economic development zone has the highest in sewage production and discharge. Based on the results above and combining with regional function in each area, "secondary controlling area and three models" was proposed as a strategy for rural sewage discharge control in Erhai Lake basin.

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