
  • 陈丽华,孙万虹,李海玲,杨琴,张璇.石油降解菌对石油烃中不同组分的降解及演化特征研究[J].环境科学学报,2016,36(1):124-133

  • 石油降解菌对石油烃中不同组分的降解及演化特征研究
  • Biological degradation and transformation characteristics of different components in petroleum hydrocarbon by oil-degradation bacteria
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(No.41361070);中国石油长庆油田分公司基金资助项目(No.14AQ-FW-014);2014年甘肃省自然科学基金(No.145RJZA224);2014年甘肃省教育厅项目(No.2014B-007)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 陈丽华
  • 西北民族大学实验中心, 兰州 730030
  • 孙万虹
  • 西北民族大学实验中心, 兰州 730030
  • 李海玲
  • 西北民族大学实验中心, 兰州 730030
  • 杨琴
  • 长庆油田公司油气工艺研究院, 西安 710018
  • 张璇
  • 长庆油田公司油气工艺研究院, 西安 710018
  • 摘要:从甘肃华庆油田油井附近石油污染的土壤中得到5种菌属的石油降解菌,以各菌剂对原油不同组分的降解率及其标志物演化参数为基础,利用GC-MS联用技术分析测定了7 d和15 d石油烃中正构烷烃、藿烷、芳香烃的降解率,用各种标志物反映各菌剂对原油中正构烷烃、藿烷、芳香烃演化特征.结果表明:F2、A5、混合菌(H)对于高碳数段的正构烷烃降解率高达60%以上,混合菌剂对于正构烷烃的降解较均衡;正构烷烃在前后两个阶段的降解呈现出对低碳和高碳降解的互补规律,奇偶碳数优势(OEP)在15 d更明显;F2菌剂的w(∑C21-)/w(∑C22+)值说明对其高碳数降解优势最明显;各菌w(Pr)/w(Ph)比值均大于原油,说明原油中类异戊二烯烷烃在不同菌剂的作用中发生了明显的降解.各菌剂作用能促使五环三萜类化合物的手性碳R构型向更稳定的S构型转化,短期内已接近转化终点;A5对藿烷降解的w(Ts)/w(Tm)比值最大(0.966),转化最彻底;A5、D4和F2菌株后期作用原油时,藿烷系列的降解速率明显大于正构烷烃系列,表现出降解藿烷的优势;各菌剂对芳香烃具有强烈的去甲基化作用,A5和D4菌降解芳烃优势更明显.
  • Abstract:Five oil-degradation bacteria strains were screened and isolated from soil collected in petroleum-contaminated sites by enrichment culture on Huaqing Oilfield of Gansu Province, China. The degradative degree of n-Alkanes, hopanes and aromatic hydrocarbons were detected by GC-MS on the 7th and 15th day, and biological transformation characteristics of n-Alkanes, hopanes, aromatic hydrocarbons had been analyzed by biological marker ratios. The results show that the degradation rates of F2, A5 and the mixed bacteria (H) for high carbon normal alkanes are greater than 60%. The degradation rate of mixed bacteria for normal alkanes is more balanced. The normal alkanes' degradation in the two stages are complementary for the low carbon and high carbon n-Alkanes, and the odd-even predominance (OEP) is more obvious on the 15th day. The w(∑C21-)/w(∑C22+) of F2 strains shows the most obvious on the degradation of high carbon n-Alkane. The w(Pr)/w(Ph) of every strains are higher than crude oil, which indicates that isoprenoid alkanes in crude oil have been obviously degraded by different bacteria strains. The various strain could promote the transition of pentacyclic triterpenes from less stable (R-configuration) to more stable (S-configuration) and reach the end of the conversion in 7 days. A5 has the greatest w(Ts)/w(Tm) for hopane degradation (0.966) and the most complete transformation. When A5, D4 and F2 strains degrade petroleum hydrocarbon later, the degradation rate of hopane series is significantly higher than n-Alkane series, which showes the degradation of A5, D4 and F2 is advantageous to hopane. The bacteria have strong demethylation effect to aromatic hydrocarbon, and A5 and D4 strains have more outstanding performance in aromatic hydrocarbon degradation.

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