
  • 杨文弢,周航,邓贵友,朱维,吴玉俊,邹紫今,王艳,廖柏寒.组配改良剂对污染稻田中铅、镉和砷生物有效性的影响[J].环境科学学报,2016,36(1):257-263

  • 组配改良剂对污染稻田中铅、镉和砷生物有效性的影响
  • Effects of combined amendment on bioavailability of Pb, Cd, and As in polluted paddy soil
  • 基金项目:湖南省农业厅项目(湘农业联2014-137-2);农业公益性行业科研专项(No.201503104);国家自然科学基金(No.41201530);湖南省重点学科建设项目(No.2006180)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 杨文弢
  • 中南林业科技大学环境学院, 长沙 410004
  • 周航
  • 中南林业科技大学环境学院, 长沙 410004
  • 邓贵友
  • 中南林业科技大学环境学院, 长沙 410004
  • 朱维
  • 中南林业科技大学环境学院, 长沙 410004
  • 吴玉俊
  • 中南林业科技大学环境学院, 长沙 410004
  • 邹紫今
  • 中南林业科技大学环境学院, 长沙 410004
  • 王艳
  • 中南林业科技大学环境学院, 长沙 410004
  • 廖柏寒
  • 中南林业科技大学环境学院, 长沙 410004
  • 摘要:选取湖南某矿区重金属和砷复合污染稻田土,以盆栽实验研究了施用组配改良剂LMF(碳酸钙+偏高岭土+钙镁磷肥)对土壤中Pb、Cd和As的生物有效性和水稻糙米中Pb、Cd和As累积效应的影响.结果表明:施用LMF能显著增加供试土壤pH值、交换性盐基总量(TEB)和阳离子交换量(CEC),对盐基饱和度(BS)和有机质(OM)含量无显著影响.施用LMF能显著降低土壤中Pb、Cd的交换态和酸可提取态含量,以及降低Pb的TCLP提取态含量,对Cd的TCLP提取态含量无明显效果.LMF施用使土壤中As的交换态和TCLP提取态含量呈现先下降后上升的趋势,且均在施用量为2 g·kg-1时含量最低.随着LMF施用量的增加,水稻糙米中Pb、Cd的含量分别降低了8.44%~99.6%、27.5%~74.1%,而水稻糙米中As含量呈现出先下降后上升的趋势.除Cd的TCLP提取态和酸可提取态外,Pb、Cd和As的其它提取态含量与其在水稻糙米中的含量均呈现出显著正相关关系(p<0.05或p<0.01).
  • Abstract:Pot experiments were conducted to study the effects of a combined amendment (LMF, limestone+metakaolin+calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer) on the bioavailability of Pb, Cd, and As in polluted paddy soil and their accumulation in brown rice by using a paddy soil polluted with heavy metals and As collected from a mining area in southern Hunan. The results showed that:1Application of LMF significantly increased soil pH values, total amount of exchangeable base contents (TEB) and cation exchange capacity contents (CEC), and there was no significant effect on contents of base saturation (BS) and organic matter (OM). 2Applying LMF resulted in a reduction in exchangeable and acid extractable contents of Pb and Cd. This reduction was observed for TCLP extractable Pb, but not for TCLP extractable Cd. Contents of exchangeable As and TCLP extractable As in soil showed a trend of decreasing first and then increasing due to LMF application. The lowest contents of exchangeable As and TCLP extractable As in soil were observed at 2 g·kg-1 of LMF. 3Contents of Pb and Cd in brown rice decreased by 8.44%~99.6% and 27.5%~74.1%, respectively, with increasing amount of LMF. However, As contents in brown rice demonstrated a trend decreasing first and then increasing.4 Except for contents of TCLP extractable Cd and acid extractable Cd in paddy soil, significantly or highly significantly positive linear correlations were found between contents of other various extractable for Pb, Cd, and As and their contents in brown rice.

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