
  • 赵烨,高丽,岳建华,袁静,刘晓文,方晓航.村域电子拆解业对耕地-水稻系统中Cd和Pb含量的影响——环境外部不经济性分析[J].环境科学学报,2015,35(10):3338-3343

  • 村域电子拆解业对耕地-水稻系统中Cd和Pb含量的影响——环境外部不经济性分析
  • Influence of a village e-waste dismantling industry on the contents of Cd and Pb in arable land-rice system——an analysis of environment external diseconomy
  • 基金项目:国家环境保护公益科研专项(No.201109020);国家重金属污染治理专项(首期工程)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 赵烨
  • 北京师范大学, 环境模拟与污染控制国家重点联合实验室, 北京 100875
  • 高丽
  • 北京师范大学, 环境模拟与污染控制国家重点联合实验室, 北京 100875
  • 岳建华
  • 环境保护部华南环境保护督查中心, 广州 510653
  • 袁静
  • 北京师范大学, 环境模拟与污染控制国家重点联合实验室, 北京 100875
  • 刘晓文
  • 环境保护部华南环境保护研究所, 广州 510655
  • 方晓航
  • 环境保护部华南环境保护研究所, 广州 510655
  • 摘要:低端电子垃圾拆解业的外部不经济性备受学术界的关注.对有30年低端电子垃圾拆解历史的S村域内优质耕地中水稻土(表土层-心土层-底土层-母质层-地下水)、水稻(根系-茎叶-籽粒)、灌渠水及其沉积物进行系统采样及分析.结果表明,低端电子垃圾拆解业已不同程度地危害了S村优质耕地的健康状况,表土层中Cd含量已超过国家标准的6倍,水稻籽粒中Cd含量超过国家标准限值3倍;土壤及其水稻籽粒中Pb含量尚未超标,但仍有被污染的风险.在S村耕地土壤-水系统中Cd和Pb含量为:灌渠底沉积物> 表土层> 心土层> 底土层 ≥ 母质层> 地表水 ≥ 地下水;在水稻植株中Cd和Pb含量为:根系> 茎叶> 籽粒.处于地势较高的居民点与电子垃圾拆解小作坊通过沟渠排放的废液使Cd和Pb进入耕地-作物系统,使耕地及其种植业成为高利润电子拆解产业环境外部不经济性的重要承受体.在城镇化及乡镇企业快速发展区亟待修建小型高效环境基础设施,以处理乡村生活污水与小企业排放主要污染物,将电子垃圾拆解业由瞬间繁荣的泡沫经济扭转为持续健康发展的生态经济.
  • Abstract:The external diseconomy of low level e-waste dismantling industry has drawn great attention. Samples of paddy soil (topsoil-subsoil-bottom soil-parent material- groundwater), paddy (root-stem and leaf-grain), irrigation canal water and sediment are collected and studied in the high quality cultivated land in the village S that has thirty years of low level e-waste dismantling industry. Results show that low level e-waste dismantling industry has different degrees of harm to the high quality cultivated land (paddy soil) health. The contents of Cd in topsoil are six times larger than the national standard, and Cd contents in rice grains are three times higher than their corresponding values of the national standard limit. Pb concentrations in soil and rice grain are within the standard, while there is still a risk of pollution in the future. The contents of Cd and Pb in the soil-water system are in order of irrigation canal sediment > topsoil > subsoil > bottom soil > parent material > surface water > ground water; and the order in the rice plant is root > stem and leaf > grain. Higher altitude of residential points and its surrounding peripheral e-waste dismantling individual workshops discharge of liquid waste through irrigation canal, which results in entrance of Cd and Pb into arable land-crop system. Therefore, the arable land and crop farming become the important body of environment external diseconomy produced by high-margin low e-waste dismantling industry. On the whole, efficient environmental infrastructures are much more needed in the rapid developments of urbanization and the township enterprises. These infrastructures can convert and digest the rural sewage and major pollutants discharged by small businesses. Finally, the e-waste dismantling industry can transform from an instant prosperity of bubble economy to a sustainable and healthy ecological economy.

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