
  • 刘攀攀,陈正,孙国新,李宏.稀土矿区及其周边水稻田中稀土元素的生物迁移积累特征[J].环境科学学报,2016,36(3):1006-1014

  • 稀土矿区及其周边水稻田中稀土元素的生物迁移积累特征
  • Bioaccumulation of rare earth elements in paddy soils in and surrounding the REEs Mine
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.41371459,41330853);国家高技术研究发展计划(No.2013AA06A209)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 刘攀攀
  • 1. 重庆大学, 城市建设与环境工程学院, 重庆 400045;2. 中国科学院生态环境研究中心, 北京 100085
  • 陈正
  • 1. 中国科学院生态环境研究中心, 北京 100085;2. 西交利物浦大学, 苏州 215123
  • 孙国新
  • 中国科学院生态环境研究中心, 北京 100085
  • 李宏
  • 重庆大学, 城市建设与环境工程学院, 重庆 400045
  • 摘要:中国南方地区稀土矿的开采对当地的生态环境和农业产生了极大的影响,因此,本文选取稀土矿区周边典型水稻土,研究了稀土元素在土壤-水稻中的生物迁移和积累特征.结果表明,土壤中稀土元素含量在193.82~965.28 mg·kg-1之间,平均值为332.55 mg·kg-1,是我国土壤稀土元素含量背景值的2~3倍.稀土元素在土壤-水稻中的迁移和积累表现出了相似的化学性质和规律,水稻不同器官中稀土含量元素的高低顺序为:根> 茎叶> 籽粒.水稻根表铁膜对稀土元素的积累作用不明显,稀土元素在土壤-水稻系统中的迁移与积累受水稻品种、土壤理化性质因素的影响.
  • Abstract:The increasing production of rare earth elements (REEs) in southern China may greatly impact the local ecosystem and agriculture. Therefore, the movement of rare earth elements (REEs) from paddy soils in the REEs mines and surrounding areas to different rice tissues were studied. Results showed that REEs concentrations in mining paddy soils was in a range between 193.82 mg·kg-1 and 965.28 mg·kg-1, with a mean value of 332.55 mg·kg-1. It was about 3 times higher than the background REEs in China. REEs have similar physicochemical properties during their migration and accumulation process in the soil-rice system. The REEs levels in different rice tissues were in the order of root> leaf> grain. The iron plaque on the rice roots surface does not show significant barrier effects on the accumulation of REEs. The mobility and bioavailability characteristics of REEs in rice-soil system are closely related to the genotypes of rice and physicochemical properties of soil.

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