
  • 纪莎莎.活性炭催化剂混合物降解气相二噁英及混合物的再生[J].环境科学学报,2016,36(4):1434-1439

  • 活性炭催化剂混合物降解气相二噁英及混合物的再生
  • Degradation of PCDD/Fs by the mixture of catalyst and activated carbon and the reborn of mixture
  • 基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(No.2011CB201500)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 纪莎莎
  • 上海城市建设设计研究总院给排水一院, 上海 200210
  • 摘要:基于二噁英稳定发生系统,研究不同温度下(160、180、200℃)两种活性炭(煤基活性炭及椰基活性炭)与V<2O5-WO3/TiO2催化剂的物理混合物对高浓度气相二噁英(本文所有质量浓度均为毒性当量质量浓度,其毒性当量质量浓度为20.46ng·m-3)的吸附降解作用.试验结果表明,混合物可以较大幅度的提高二英的脱除效率及降解效率,其中椰基混合物表现出较好的吸附性能,而煤基活性炭表现出较好的降解性能.当反应温度为200℃,使用煤基混合替代催化剂,二噁英降解率由56.4%上升至82.0%.将含有毒性当量质量浓度为1.539ng·g-1的二噁英混合物置于200℃下,并采用混合气体(VN2:VO2=9:1)进行吹扫,发现经过10h后,混合物中二噁英的毒性当量质量浓度仅为0.296ng·g-1,最终有76.5%的二噁英得到了降解,为混合物的循环利用提供可能性.
  • Abstract:The mixture of V2O5-WO3/TiO2 catalyst (CAT) and two kinds of Activated Carbons (AC) (AC-1: based on lignite; AC-2: based on coconut shell) were used to destroy gas phase PCDD/Fs with high TEQ concentration (20.46 ng·m-3) under different temperatures (160, 180, 200 ℃) based on a dioxin generating system. The mixture of AC-1/CAT had better decomposition ability, while the mixture of AC-2/CAT had better adsorption ability. Both of ACs showed high removal and destruction efciency. The destruction efficiency rose from 56.4% to 82% at 200 ℃, when using the mixture of AC-1/CAT instead of CAT. At 200 ℃, using gas (VN2:VO2=9:1) to blow the mixture of AC-2/CAT, the TEQ concentration of PCDD/Fs decreased sharply from 1.539 ng·g-1 to 0.296 ng·g-1 after 10 hours. At last, the destruction efficiency of PCDD/Fs can reach to 76.5%, and this result would apply a possibility of reborn for the mixture.

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