
  • 殷欣,张明祥,胡荣桂.测土配方施肥对湖北省N2O减排的贡献[J].环境科学学报,2016,36(4):1351-1358

  • 测土配方施肥对湖北省N2O减排的贡献
  • Contribution of soil testing for formulated fertilization to N2O mitigation in Hubei Province
  • 基金项目:湖北省低碳农业模式研究
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 殷欣
  • 华中农业大学资源与环境学院, 武汉 430070
  • 张明祥
  • 湖北省现代农业展示中心, 武汉 430345
  • 胡荣桂
  • 华中农业大学资源与环境学院, 武汉 430070
  • 摘要:为弄清测土配方施肥项目实施后对氧化亚氮(N2O)排放产生的影响及其带来的经济效益.本研究通过比较传统施肥和测土配方推荐施肥的农田氮(N)投入量,依据《2006年IPCC国家温室气体清单指南》方法,分别估算了农田N2O的直接排放和间接排放.结果表明,测土配方施肥项目从2004年开始实施至2013年的10年时间里,共减少氮肥的施用量74.39×104t(折纯N),作物产量增加1898.05×104t;10年里共减少N2O排放总量为2.24×104t,其中由氮肥施用量减少带来的N2O减排量为1.57×104t,作物产量提高带来的N2O减排量为0.67×104t;湖北省不同区域的N2O减排量与该地区项目实施面积密切相关,项目实施10年来襄阳市N2O减排总量最大,为0.31×104t,其次是荆州市,减排量为0.26×104t,神龙架林区N2O减排总量最小,仅为0.0034×104t;不同作物对N2O减排的贡献以玉米减排总量最大,为0.54×104t,占减排总量的24.17%,其次为水稻,减排量为0.49×104t,芝麻减排总量最小,仅0.018×104t.按照湖北省碳交易市场最新交易价格25元·t-1C来计算,湖北省实施测土配方施肥项目10年来仅N2O减排所带来效益可达1.74亿元.测土配方施肥项目不仅在湖北省粮食增产上有重要贡献,对减少N2O排放也有重要贡献,并带来一定的经济效益.
  • Abstract:This study was aimed to understand the effects of soil testing for formulated fertilization on N2O emission and economic benefit in Hubei Province. Following the IPCC(2006) guidelines and methods, the N2O mitigation was estimated from the farmland N inputs of conventional fertilization and recommended fertilization. The results showed that, in the past 10 years, the soil testing for formulated fertilization project decreased N application by 7.44×105 tons, increased yield by 1.90×107 tons and mitigated 2.24×104 tons N2O. The mitigation from reduced N fertilization and increased yield were 1.57×104 tons and 6.7×103 tons, respectively. N2O mitigation was closely related to the study area. The highest N2O mitigation was found in Xiangyang, with a reduction of 3.1×103 tons. Jingzhou was the second largest area of mitigated N2O, about 0.26×104 tons. Shennongjia was the lowest, only 34 tons. The contributions of different crops to the N2O mitigation were different. Corn was the leading N2O mitigation crop which reached to 5.4×103 tons and accounted for 24.17% of total contribution, followed by rice and sesame. According to the latest price in Hubei Carbon Trading Market, soil testing for formulated fertilization has benefited 174 million yuan from the N2O mitigation in past 10 years. Soil testing for formulated fertilization project plays an important role not only in grain production, but also in N2O mitigation, and brings economic benefits.

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