
  • 邢锦娟,冉林涛,刘娇,钱建华,许家胜.N/S/SnO2-TiO2的制备及对染料的光降解活性研究[J].环境科学学报,2016,36(5):1704-1709

  • N/S/SnO2-TiO2的制备及对染料的光降解活性研究
  • The preparation of N/S/SnO2-TiO2 and its photo-degradation on dyes
  • 基金项目:辽宁省教育厅第三批特聘教授支持计划(No.2014-323);辽宁省教育厅创新团队项目(No.LT2015001)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 邢锦娟
  • 渤海大学, 辽宁省功能化合物合成与应用重点实验室, 锦州 121013
  • 冉林涛
  • 渤海大学, 辽宁省功能化合物合成与应用重点实验室, 锦州 121013
  • 刘娇
  • 渤海大学, 辽宁省功能化合物合成与应用重点实验室, 锦州 121013
  • 钱建华
  • 渤海大学, 辽宁省功能化合物合成与应用重点实验室, 锦州 121013
  • 许家胜
  • 渤海大学, 辽宁省功能化合物合成与应用重点实验室, 锦州 121013
  • 摘要:以尿素、硫脲分别作为N、S源,氯化锡作为Sn源,利用水热法合成了N/S/SnO2-TiO2产品.同时,采用XRD、SEM、XPS等技术对不同煅烧温度处理后的产品进行了表征.最后,以质量浓度为0.02 g·L-1的甲基橙水溶液为模拟污染物,采用UV-vis光谱及BET分析研究了产品的光催化活性效果.实验结果表明,当煅烧温度为550℃时,水热合成出的产品结晶度较高,粒径较小,约20 nm左右.S以+6价形式进入TiO2晶格形成Ti-O-S键,N通过取代晶格中的O形成O-Ti-N键,Sn以SnO2的形式分散在TiO2产品中.SnCl4的加入不仅与C16H36O4Ti竞争水源,缓解C16H36O4Ti的水解,而且对产品有一定的分散效果.光催化活性实验结果表明,当紫外灯照射时间达到1 h时,N/S/SnO2-TiO2降解甲基橙溶液基本完成,脱色率达到95%以上.
  • Abstract:N/S/SnO2-TiO2 particles were prepared by hydrothermal method with thiourea, urea and tin tetrachloride as the nitrogen, sulfur and tin source respectively. The products calcined under different temperatures were characterized by using XRD、SEM and XPS. Photo-catalytic activity was evaluated by using UV-vis spectrum and BET analysis. MO solution was applied as the pollutant with a concentration of 0.02 g·L-1. The results show that the synthesized particles were 20 nm in diameter when calcined temperature was controlled at 550℃. N and S substituted Ti and O respectively in TiO2 lattice to form Ti-O-S and O-Ti-N, and SnO2 dispersed randomly among TiO2 powders. SnCl4 was added not only competing water source with C16H36O4Ti, but also as one kind of product dispersion. The photo-catalytic result indicates that after 1 h exposure under UV light, MO degradation completed thoroughly, and the decolorization rate of N/S/SnO2-TiO2 exceeded 95%.

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