
  • 魏运民,李巧玲,胡留杰,廖敦秀,谢成建,杨星勇.墨汁鬼伞对重金属铅离子的耐受与富集作用及其在铅离子胁迫下的差异表达蛋白鉴定[J].环境科学学报,2016,36(6):1998-2004

  • 墨汁鬼伞对重金属铅离子的耐受与富集作用及其在铅离子胁迫下的差异表达蛋白鉴定
  • Lead tolerance and accumulation in Coprinus atramentarius and identification of differential expression proteins under Lead stress
  • 基金项目:重庆市教委项目(No.KJ1500324);重庆师范大学研究生科研创新项目(No.YKC15013)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 魏运民
  • 重庆师范大学生命科学学院, 重庆 401331
  • 李巧玲
  • 重庆师范大学生命科学学院, 重庆 401331
  • 胡留杰
  • 重庆市农业科学院, 重庆 401329
  • 廖敦秀
  • 重庆市农业科学院, 重庆 401329
  • 谢成建
  • 重庆师范大学生命科学学院, 重庆 401331
  • 杨星勇
  • 重庆师范大学生命科学学院, 重庆 401331
  • 摘要:铅是已知毒性最大的重金属污染物之一,具有极强的积累性和不可逆性.生物修复环境重金属污染以其成本低、能实现对重金属回收等特点被认为是最有前景的修复技术.墨汁鬼伞被认为具有富集重金属离子的能力,本文首先通过在含Pb2+的固体培养基上培养墨汁鬼伞分析了墨汁鬼伞对不同浓度Pb2+的耐受能力,结果表明当Pb2+浓度低于50 mg·L-1的情况下,墨汁鬼伞的生长不会受到影响;随着Pb2+浓度提高,墨汁鬼伞生长缓慢,菌丝稀疏,菌落形状不规则;当浓度高于500 mg·L-1时,墨汁鬼伞生长明显被影响,并产生色素.进一步分析墨汁鬼伞对不同浓度Pb2+的富集能力表明即使在Pb2+浓度高达800 mg·L-1的情况下,墨汁鬼伞仍然可以富集培养基中的94.7%的Pb2+.此外通过分析墨汁鬼伞的差异蛋白,鉴定到一个受Pb2+诱导的14-3-3类蛋白.以上研究表明墨汁鬼伞可以用于环境重金属污染的生物修复.
  • Abstract:Lead is one of the most toxic heavy metal pollutants with strong bioaccumulation and irreversibility. Bioremediation is a promising technology to remedy and control heavy metal pollutants because of its low cost and recycling for heavy metals, etc. Coprinus atramentarius is capable of accumulating heavy metal ion. In our study, C. atramentarius was firstly cultivated on solid medium with Pb2+ to analyze its tolerance to Pb2+, and the result indicated that the growth of C. atramentarius was not affected when the concentration of Pb2+ was lower than 50 mg·L-1; However, C. atramentarius increased slowly, mycelium became sparse and the shape of colony became irregular along with the increase of Pb2+. Colorings were produced when the concentration of Pb2+ was 500 mg·L-1. Furthermore, the accumulation capacity of C. atramentarius under different concentrations of Pb2+ was also determined, and the result showed that 94.7% of Pb2+ could be accumulated even when the concentration of Pb2+ was 800 mg·L-1. In addition, a 14-3-3-like protein was identified in C. atramentarius under lead stress based on the differentially expressed proteins analysis. The findings indicated the potential application of C. atramentarius on the bioremediation.

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