
  • 胡振丹,黄顶强,张朝能,邱飞,周越,杜文静.燃气发动机瞬态工况下NOx排放特征[J].环境科学学报,2016,36(6):2210-2215

  • 燃气发动机瞬态工况下NOx排放特征
  • Characteristics of NOx emission from gas engine under transient operating conditions
  • 基金项目:云南省执行环境空气质量国家新标准研究(No.2012CA016)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 胡振丹
  • 昆明理工大学环境科学与工程学院, 昆明 650500
  • 黄顶强
  • 广西玉柴机器股份有限公司, 玉林 537005
  • 张朝能
  • 昆明理工大学环境科学与工程学院, 昆明 650500
  • 邱飞
  • 云南省环境监测中心站, 昆明 650034
  • 周越
  • 昆明理工大学环境科学与工程学院, 昆明 650500
  • 杜文静
  • 云南群能环境技术有限公司, 昆明 650032
  • 摘要:NOx排放控制是发展燃气汽车的核心问题.为获得增压中冷燃气发动机瞬态工况NOx的排放特征,实验选取了6MK375N-50增压中冷燃气发动机,研究了不同转速、转矩、进气流量、进气温度及湿度对NOx排放的影响.试验结果表明NOx的排放随着转速的增加先升高后减缓,转速为1400 r·min-1时NOx排放最高,转矩的增加也会使NOx排放增加,随着进气流量的增加,NOx排放量先增加后稳定,进气流量为180 kg·h-1时NOx排放最高,进气温度对NOx排放也有直接影响,进气温度为31℃时NOx排放最高,随着进气湿度的增加,NOx排放水平降低,对试验结果的双因素方差分析得到,各影响因素对NOx的排放影响均非常显著.对1400 r·min-1下各个工况对应NOx进行拟合,变化规律符合公式y=a-b×ln(x+c).
  • Abstract:NOx emission control is the core issue of development of gas vehicles. To obtain the characteristics of NOx emission from gas engine under transient operating conditions, we selected the 6MK375N-50 turbocharged inter-cooled gas engine and investigated the effects of rotating speed, torque, inlet flow rate, inlet flow temperature, and inlet flow humidity on NOxemissions. The results showed that NOx emissions increased first and leveled off with increasing rotational speed. NOx emission was the most significant under the rotating speed of 1400 r·min-1. The increase in torque results in the increase of NOxemission. NOx emission increased steadily in the beginning and then leveled off along the increase of inlet flow rate.The highest NOx emission was obtained under the inlet flow rate of 180 kg·h-1. Meanwhile, the inlet temperature has a direct effect on NOx emission, with the maximum NOx emission achieved at inlet temperature of 31℃. NOx emission decreased with the increase of inlet flow humidity. All the above-mentioned factors have significant influence on the NOx emission by calculating the test results based on two-factor variance analysis. By fitting the abovementioned parameters with NOx emission, the empirical equation under 1400 r·min-1 was derived in accordance with y=a-b×ln(x+c).

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