
  • 陈潇霖,王学东,田雨,吴明艳,华珞.铜、锌对小麦的联合毒性及其预测模型研究[J].环境科学学报,2016,36(4):1493-1499

  • 铜、锌对小麦的联合毒性及其预测模型研究
  • A prediction model for the copper-zinc combined toxicity to wheat
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.21007042);北京市自然科学基金(No.8122014);北京高等学校青年英才计划(No.YETP1632)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 陈潇霖
  • 首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院, 北京 100048
  • 王学东
  • 首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院, 北京 100048
  • 田雨
  • 首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院, 北京 100048
  • 吴明艳
  • 首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院, 北京 100048
  • 华珞
  • 首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院, 北京 100048
  • 摘要:利用溶液培养实验,研究了不同Ca浓度和Cu/Zn配比下,Cu、Zn对小麦的联合毒性;基于毒性单位模型(TU)和生物配体模型(BLM),建立了Cu-Zn对小麦的联合毒性预测模型TUfmix-BLM.结果表明,随着溶液中Ca浓度增加,单一Cu和Zn的毒性均明显减弱.不同Ca浓度、不同Cu/Zn浓度配比下(1:50、1:200、1:800),Cu-Zn联合毒性均表现为加和作用.基于Cu、Zn单一毒性的BLM络合常数,结合TU模型,预测了Cu-Zn对小麦的联合毒性.与单独利用TU模型相比,TUfmix-BLM预测的RMSE从13.06减小到10.01,R2从0.89增加到0.94,表明TUfmix-BLM模型可以很好地预测Cu-Zn的联合毒性.
  • Abstract:Solution culture experiment was carried out to investigate copper and zinc combined toxicity to wheat under different calcium concentrations and copper-zinc concentration ratios. The TUfmix-BLM model of copper-zinc combined toxicity was established based on toxicity unit model (TU) and biotic ligand model (BLM). The results showed that the toxicity of single copper and zinc was decreased significantly with the increasing calcium concentration. Under different calcium concentrations and different ratios (1:50, 1:200, 1:800), combination of copper and zinc exhibited additive toxicity. Copper-zinc combined toxicity can be predicted based on the single complex constant of BLM together with TU. Compared with single TU model, RMSE predicted by TUfmix-BLM was reduced from 13.06 to 10.01, and R2 value was increased from 0.89 to 0.94, respectively. This indicated that the TUfmix-BLM model can be used to well predict copper-zinc combined toxicity.

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