- Effect of Cd on tolerance physiology, nutrients uptake and translocation in Ricinus communis L.
- 基金项目:江苏省产学研合作研究项目(No.BY2015027-08);国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.41302025)
- 李君
- 常州大学环境与安全工程学院, 常州 213164
- 葛跃
- 常州大学环境与安全工程学院, 常州 213164
- 王明新
- 常州大学环境与安全工程学院, 常州 213164
- 赵远
- 常州大学环境与安全工程学院, 常州 213164
- 赵兴青
- 常州大学环境与安全工程学院, 常州 213164
- 摘要:通过营养液栽培实验,研究了不同浓度Cd(0、25、50、100、200μmol·L-1)处理对能源植物蓖麻生长、生理特性、Cd积累以及营养元素吸收的影响.结果表明,200μmol·L-1的Cd处理使叶片、茎部鲜重和植株总鲜重分别下降了63.68%、55.21%和52.69%,根系鲜重则无显著变化;叶片过氧化氢和丙二醛含量分别提高了3.81和2.22倍,产生了明显的氧化胁迫作用;酸溶性巯基、还原型谷胱甘肽和植物络合素含量分别提高了1.73、12.63和1.62倍,GSH对于蓖麻Cd胁迫具有显著的缓解作用.根系Cd积累量和植株总积累量分别增加了3.15和2.41倍,蓖麻主要将Cd富集在其根系,有助于减轻Cd对地上部的毒害.Cd抑制蓖麻植株K和Ca的吸收,促进根系和茎部P吸收,高浓度Cd抑制P向叶片的转运;植株Zn和Cu含量、根系和茎部Mg含量表现为低促高抑,植株Mn含量及根系Fe含量表现为低抑高促.可见,Cd处理对不同营养元素的吸收有着不同的影响,应根据Cd胁迫条件下不同营养元素吸收特性来合理调控其供应.
- Abstract:A hydroponic experiment was conducted to investigate plant growth, physiological parameters, Cd accumulation and nutrient uptake and translocation in energy crop Ricinus communis (Zibima 5) with different Cd concentrations (0, 25, 50, 100, 200 μmol·L-1) in nutrient solution. The results indicates that compared with the control, the fresh weight of leaves, stems and total fresh weight decreased by 63.68%, 55.21% and 52.69% with 200 μmol·L-1 Cd treatment, respectively, while the fresh weight of roots showed no significant change. The contents of peroxide and malondialdehyde in leaves increased by 3.81 and 2.22 times, respectively. Cd showed a significant oxidation stress effect on the shoot. At the same time, the contents of SH, GSH and PCs increased by 1.73, 12.63 and 1.62 times, respectively. Therefore, GSH may significantly alleviate Cd stress. Most of Cd accumulated in the roots, limiting its translocation from root to shoot and alleviating the physiological toxicity of cadmium in the shoot. The Cd accumulation in the roots and the total Cd accumulation of the plant increased by 3.15 and 2.41 times, respectively. Cd inhibited K and Ca absorption in the leaves, promoted P absorption in the roots and stems, while inhibited translocation of P from roots to leaves. Zn and Cu contents in the plant, Mg contents in the root and stems showed decreasing trends followed by increasing trend with elevating Cd supply. Mn and Fe contents in the roots showed the opposite trend. In general, the uptake and translocation of different nutrients in Ricinus communis showed different responses under Cd treatments. Therefore, nutrients supply for Ricinus communis should be reasonably controlled according to their absorption and translocation characteristics under Cd stress.
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