- Microbial community diversity and stability of microfauna during the activated sludge acclimation in sequencing batch reactor
- 基金项目:安徽省高校省级自然科学基金项目(No.KJ2013A059)
- 胡小兵
- 1. 安徽工业大学建筑工程学院, 马鞍山 243032;2. 生物膜法水质净化及利用技术教育部工程研究中心, 马鞍山 243032
- 饶强
- 安徽工业大学建筑工程学院, 马鞍山 243032
- 钟梅英
- 安徽工业大学建筑工程学院, 马鞍山 243032
- 叶星
- 安徽工业大学能源与环境学院, 马鞍山 243032
- 朱荣芳
- 安徽工业大学建筑工程学院, 马鞍山 243032
- 张新喜
- 1. 安徽工业大学建筑工程学院, 马鞍山 243032;2. 生物膜法水质净化及利用技术教育部工程研究中心, 马鞍山 243032
- 摘要:以SBR反应器培养驯化阶段的活性污泥微型动物群落为研究对象,系统考察了活性污泥驯化过程中微型动物群落结构与优势种群变化规律,同时探讨了微型动物群落物种多样性及其稳定性.结果表明,1活性污泥培养驯化是微型动物群落类群和种属增多后趋于稳定的过程:污泥培养驯化过程中微型动物群落,由驯化初期以鞭毛虫为单一优势类群向鞭毛虫、匍匐型纤毛虫、固着型纤毛虫、肉食性纤毛虫等4个共优势类群演变,优势种属也由单一的波豆虫属(Bodo sp.)逐步向波豆虫属(Bodo sp.)、钟虫属(Vorticella sp.)、累枝虫属(Epistylis sp.)、楯纤虫属(Aspidisca sp.)、斜管虫属(Chilodonella sp.)、半眉虫属(Hemiophrys sp.)等6个共优势种属演变;2活性污泥培养驯化是微型动物群落物种多样性水平增高后趋于稳定的过程:Shannon-Wiener多样性指数H'在培养驯化过程中先急剧增大后小幅降低直至相对稳定,较培养驯化前增大约75%;3活性污泥培养驯化是微型动物群落趋于稳定的过程:驯化初期到中期微型动物群落稳定性略有减小,驯化中期到后期有较大的增加并趋于稳定,这是微型动物群落总多度、物种数均先增大后逐渐趋于稳定的结果;4微型动物群落稳定滞后于其污泥成熟与污水处理效能稳定.
- Abstract:The microfauna community structure and the diversity mechanism of dominant population during the activated sludge acclimation was investigated. The results show that 1) both type and genera of the microfauna community increased during the entire process and finally reach to an stable state. In the microfauna community, only one key type (flagellates) was observed in the initial stage, but then gradually developed into 4 co-dominant types (flagellates, crawling ciliates, sessile ciliates, and carnivorous ciliates). The dominant genus of microfauna community also increased from one single genus (Bodo sp.) to 6 genera (Bodo sp., Vorticella sp., Epistylis sp., Aspidisca sp., Chilodonella sp., Hemiophrys sp.). 2). Shannon-Wiener's diversity index H'of microfauna community dramatically increased in the first stage, later slightly dropped down, and eventually reached a stable level. It implies that the final species diversity in the microfauna community should stay at a constant level, even though it would increase in the early stage. Compared to the H' index value before acclimation, the final H'value increased about 75%. 3) Due to the fact that both species and genera in the microfauna community increased initially and later reached a stable level, the number of species and genera increased largely. They also tended towards stability in the middle and later periods of activated sludge acclimation, in other words, the stability increased it progressed through each period. 4). The stability state of the microfauna community lacked the stability of mature activated sludge and the performance of sewage treatment.
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