
  • 官冬杰,龚巧灵,刘慧敏,郑强.重庆三峡库区生态补偿标准差别化模型构建及应用研究[J].环境科学学报,2016,36(11):4218-4227

  • 重庆三峡库区生态补偿标准差别化模型构建及应用研究
  • Differential model establishment and its application of ecological compensation standard in the Three Gorges Reservoir of Chongqing
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.41201546,41261038);重庆市自然科学基金(No.cstc2012jjA20010);国家科技支撑计划项目(No.2014BAB03B01);贵州省科技计划(No.黔科合JZ字[2014]200206);重庆市第二批高等学校青年骨干教师资助计划;重庆交通大学研究生教育创新基金项目(No.20140108)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 官冬杰
  • 重庆交通大学建筑与城市规划学院, 重庆 400074
  • 龚巧灵
  • 重庆交通大学建筑与城市规划学院, 重庆 400074
  • 刘慧敏
  • 重庆交通大学建筑与城市规划学院, 重庆 400074
  • 郑强
  • 重庆交通大学建筑与城市规划学院, 重庆 400074
  • 摘要:生态补偿是当前国际公认的重要的生态环境保护手段,但如何表征、量化和确定生态补偿标准,完善生态补偿机制,仍是当前生态补偿研究中的一个重要而未解决的问题.本研究以重庆三峡库区后续发展过程中不同本底类型的典型样区为研究对象,通过对重庆三峡库区各区域的自然和经济条件的分析,基于生态系统服务价值法和机会成本法,构建生态补偿标准化模型,引入差异系数,对重庆三峡库区各区域的生态补偿标准进行测算,科学制定各区域生态补偿分配标准.结果表明:位于库区西南段的主城区(包括渝北区、江北区、渝中区、江津区和北碚区等),这些区域经济实力雄厚,社会经济差异系数较大,但由于机会成本较低,受到自然价值和区域公平差异系数的影响较小,所以最终生态补偿额度比较低;三峡库区北段(巫山县、巫溪县、云阳县、奉节县和开县)的生态补偿额度较高,主要原因是机会成本大,受差异系数影响,理论损失成本大,但在这些地区的自然资源比较丰富,适合开展旅游行业,增加经济收入,缩小与其他区县的社会经济差距.
  • Abstract:Ecological compensation is a recognized method in ecological environment protection worldwide. However, characterization, quantification and determination of ecological compensation standard to improve ecological compensation mechanism are still largely unknown. This work focuses on typical sample areas with different background types that experience the follow-up development in Chongqing Three Gorges Reservoir Area. By analyzing the natural and economic conditions of the region of Three Gorges reservoir, an ecological compensation standard model is constructed based on the methods of ecosystem service value and opportunity cost. Afterwards, the variation coefficient is introduced to estimate the individual regional ecological compensation standard of the Three Gorges Reservoir area, followed by scientifically determining the ecological compensation standards for the individual area. Consequently, the main urban areas, including Yubei District, Jiangbei District, Yuzhong District, Jiangjin District and Beibei District, have abundant economic capabilities and larger variation coefficients of social economy; however, low opportunity costs in these regions and slight variation coefficients of natural value and regional equity lead to lowecological compensation amount. Meanwhile, the north section of Three Gorges Reservoir Area (Wushan County, Wuxi County, Yunyang County, Fengjie County and Kaixian County) is associated with higher ecological compensation amount. This is because the opportunity costs and effects of variation coefficients are significant so that the theoretical loss is large. However, the natural resource is rich to support the tour industry for increasing the economic income and suppressing the social and economic disparity from the other counties.

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