
  • 魏炎,张少辉,赵丽,桑稳姣.反硝化脱硫微生物燃料电池的可行性研究[J].环境科学学报,2016,36(8):2832-2837

  • 反硝化脱硫微生物燃料电池的可行性研究
  • Feasibility of denitrifying and sulfide-removal microbial fuel cell
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(No.21577108)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 魏炎
  • 武汉理工大学土木工程与建筑学院, 武汉 430070
  • 张少辉
  • 武汉理工大学土木工程与建筑学院, 武汉 430070
  • 赵丽
  • 武汉理工大学土木工程与建筑学院, 武汉 430070
  • 桑稳姣
  • 武汉理工大学土木工程与建筑学院, 武汉 430070
  • 摘要:微生物燃料电池(microbial fuel cell,MFC)可在去除废水中污染物的同时回收电能.以S2-和NO3--N分别作为阳极电子供体和阴极电子受体,研究了反硝化脱硫MFC的同步阳极除硫与阴极脱氮,分析了阳极进水S2-浓度对MFC产电性能及污染物去除情况的影响,探究了MFC阳极石墨纤维丝上的硫沉积情况及其对内阻的影响.结果表明,反硝化脱硫MFC在32 d内实现稳定的阳极除硫与阴极脱氮.外阻为100Ω时,电压稳定在(176.0±6.9) mV,相应的S2-和NO3--N去除负荷分别为(0.94±0.04) kg·m-3NC·d-1和(11.1±0.6) g·m-3NC·d-1.MFC的产电能力随着阳极进水S2-浓度的增加逐渐增强,SO2-4的生成率和NO3--N去除负荷受S2-浓度影响较小.在试验S2-浓度下S2-的去除较彻底,SO2-4的生成率均超过65%.NO3--N去除负荷维持在12 g·m-3NC·d-1左右,出水NO-2-N浓度均低于0.01 mg·L-1.反硝化过程较完全.在运行过程中,MFC阳极的石墨纤维丝上会沉积颗粒硫,降低电极的有效面积,使MFC的内阻升高.
  • Abstract:Electricity can be recovered in Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) for pollutants removal from wastewater. Using sulfide as the electron donor and nitrate as the electron acceptor, simultaneous desulfurization in anode compartment and nitrogen removal in cathode compartment were explored in a denitrifying and sulfide-removal MFC. The effect of influent sulfide concentration on the performance of electricity generation and the efficiencies of pollutants removal was investigated as well. The sulfur deposition on the anodic graphite filaments and its effect on the internal resistance were evaluated subsequently. The results show that stable desulfurization in the anode compartment and nitrogen removal in the cathode compartment were obtained in 32 days. The cell voltage reached (176.0±6.9) mV at an external resistance of 100 Ω, with corresponding S2- removal loading of (0.94±0.04) kg·m-3NC·d-1and NO3--N removal loading of (11.1±0.6) g·m-3NC·d-1. The electricity harvest gradually increased with the increase of influent sulfide concentration. The influent sulfide concentration had little effect on the sulfate generation percent and the nitrate removal loading. At each influent sulfide concentration, sulfide could be mostly removed with the sulfate generation percent higher than 65%. The NO3--N removal loading maintained at approximate 12 g·m-3NC·d-1 with effluent NO-2-N concentration below 0.01 mg·L-1, indicating a complete denitrification. During the operation of denitrifying and sulfide-removal MFC, the granular sulfur depositing on the anodic graphite filaments was found. It results in the reduction of effective electrode area and the increase of internal resistance.

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