- Emission inventory and characteristics of anthropogenic air pollutant sources in Changsha
- 李楠
- 华南理工大学环境与能源学院, 广州 510006
- 范小莉
- 华南理工大学环境与能源学院, 广州 510006
- 摘要:根据收集的长沙市人为源活动水平数据,建立了该地区2014年1 km×1 km人为源大气污染物排放清单.结果显示,2014年长沙市SO2、NOx、CO、PM10、PM2.5、BC、OC、VOCs和NH3排放总量分别为53.5×103、78.3×103、284.6×103、102.3×103、42.1×103、4.0×103、7.2×103、64.2×103、27.1×103 t.化石燃料固定燃烧源为最大的SO2排放贡献源,道路移动源是主要的NOx贡献源,CO排放主要来自化石燃料固定燃烧源和道路移动源,长沙市VOCs的最大贡献源是溶剂使用源,PM10、PM2.5最主要的排放源是扬尘源,BC最大的排放贡献源为化石燃料固定燃烧源,生物质燃烧源是最大的OC贡献源,NH3排放主要来源于畜禽养殖和农业施肥.空间分布结果显示,长沙市NH3的排放在宁乡县、望城区、长沙县、浏阳市分布较多,主要呈现片状分布.其他污染物排放高值区则主要分布在中心城区、工业区及道路分布区域.
- Abstract:Based on the collected activity data, a 2014-based 1 km×1 km gridded anthropogenic air pollutant emission inventory was developed for Changsha City. The results showed that the total emissions of SO2,NOx,CO, PM10,PM2.5,BC,OC,VOCs and NH3 in Changsha were 53.5×103,78.3×103,284.6×103,102.3×103,42.1×103,4.0×103,7.2×103,64.2×103 and 27.1×103 t, respectively. Fossil fuels stationary combustion was the largest contributor to SO2 emission, while on-road mobile was the major NOx contribution source. CO emission was mainly from fossil fuels stationary combustion and on-road mobile source, and VOCs were mainly from solvent source. Fugitive dust, fossil fuel stationary combustion and biomass burning was the largest contributors for PM10 and PM2.5, BC, and OC, respectively. NH3 emission was mainly derived from livestock and agricultural fertilizing process. Spatial distributions of air pollutants illustrated that NH3 emissions were mainly distributed in Ningxiang, Wangcheng, Changsha County, and Liuyang City, while emissions of other pollutants were concentrated in the center of the main city, industrial zones as well as areas along the roads.
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