- Spatial and temporal variations of PM10 concentration in forest vegetation area of Beijing City in 2015
- 基金项目:国家林业局林业公益性行业科研专项(No.20130430101);科技创新服务能力建设-协同创新中心-林果业生态环境功能提升协同创新中心(2011协同创新中心)(市级)项目(No.PXM2016_014207_000038);北京市农林科学院科技创新团队项目(No.JWKST201609)
- 鲁绍伟
- 北京市农林科学院林业果树研究所, 林果业生态环境功能提升协同创新中心, 北京 100093
- 柳晓娜
- 北京林业大学水土保持学院, 北京 100083
- 陈军丽
- 北京市大兴区南海子郊野公园管理处, 北京 102600
- 李少宁
- 北京市农林科学院林业果树研究所, 林果业生态环境功能提升协同创新中心, 北京 100093
- 陈波
- 北京市农林科学院林业果树研究所, 林果业生态环境功能提升协同创新中心, 北京 100093
- 摘要:以北京市大兴区南海子公园植被区与亦庄非植被区为研究对象,对比分析了植被区与非植被区PM10质量浓度日变化、月变化特征及典型天气条件下的变化.结果表明:PM10浓度的日变化趋势基本相同,呈典型的双峰曲线,春、夏季的峰值出现在9:00-10:00和18:00-19:00,秋、冬季的峰值出现在8:00-9:00和18:00-19:00,且秋、冬季PM10浓度高于春、夏季;植被区与非植被区的PM10月变化趋势基本一致,植被区PM10浓度低于非植被区,且2月份PM10浓度最大;各季节优良天气排序为夏季(42.60%)> 秋季(31.10%)> 春季(26.43%)> 冬季(15.17%),中度及以上污染天气所占比例排序为冬季(55.52%)> 春季(27.57%)> 秋季(17.77%)> 夏季(3.58%);PM10浓度随降雨强度的增加呈减小的变化趋势,雨前12 h的PM10浓度均值表现为植被区(106.43 μg·m-3)<非植被区(157.39 μg·m-3),雨后12 h的PM10浓度均值表现为植被区(50.96 μg·m-3)>非植被区(38.41 μg·m-3);PM10浓度随风速的增大呈减小的变化趋势,风后12 h的非植被区PM10浓度削减率均值是植被区的1.23倍,且PM10浓度削减率均处于较高水平;PM10浓度随空气湿度的增大呈增大的变化趋势,随温度的升高呈减小的变化趋势.研究结果对进一步治理和控制北京市大气污染有参考价值.
- Abstract:This paper observed diurnal and monthly variations of PM10 concentrations and its variations under typical weather conditions in vegetation area of Daxing Nanhaizi Forest Park and non-vegetation area of Yizhuang in Beijiang City. Results showed that the diurnal variation of PM10 concentration were similar with a typical bimodal curve. The peaks appeared at 9:00-10:00 and 18:00-19:00 in spring and summer, and 8:00-9:00 and 18:00-19:00 in autumn and winter. The PM10 concentrations were higher in autumn and winter than in spring and summer. The monthly variation trends of PM10 concentrations in vegetation area and non-vegetation area were also similar. The PM10 concentration was lower in vegetation area than in non-vegetation area with the maximum value in February. The proportion of attainment days in different seasons was summer (42.60%) > autumn (31.10%) > spring (26.43%)>winter (15.17%), while that of moderate and heavily pollution days was winter(55.52%) > spring (27.57%) > autumn (17.77%) > summer (3.58%). Rainfall was negatively correlated with PM10 concentration. 12 hours before the rain, the mean PM10 concentration was lower in vegetation area (106.43 μg·m-3) than non-vegetation area (157.39 μg·m-3), while higher PM10 concentration in vegetation area (50.96 μg·m-3) than non-vegetation area (38.41 μg·m-3) was found 12 hours after the rain. Wind speed was negatively correlated with PM10 concentration. The mean reduction rate of PM10 concentration in non-vegetation was 1.23 times higher than in vegetation area 12 hours after wind. PM10 concentration was positively correlated with relative humidity, but negatively correlated with temperature. The results would contribute to the further treatment and control of air pollution in Beijing.
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