
  • 阎波杰,史文娇,王宗,朱美青,刘奕婷.基于多指标融合的福建省农用地畜禽粪便环境污染风险评价[J].环境科学学报,2017,37(3):1146-1152

  • 基于多指标融合的福建省农用地畜禽粪便环境污染风险评价
  • The environmental risk assessment in farmland polluted by livestock and poultry feces in Fujian Province based on multi-indices
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(No.41271354,41601601);福建省自然科学基金项目(No.2016J01713);福建省中青年教师教育科研项目(JAT160388)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 阎波杰
  • 闽江学院地理科学系, 福州 350108
  • 史文娇
  • 2. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 陆地表层格局与模拟重点实验室, 北京 100101;3. 中国科学院大学资源与环境学院, 北京 100049
  • 王宗
  • 中国地质大学地球科学与资源学院, 北京 100083
  • 朱美青
  • 江西农业大学, 江西省鄱阳湖流域农业资源与生态重点实验室, 南昌 330045
  • 刘奕婷
  • 2. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 陆地表层格局与模拟重点实验室, 北京 100101;3. 中国科学院大学资源与环境学院, 北京 100049
  • 摘要:基于福建省各县市区畜禽养殖统计数据,融合目前主要的7种农用地畜禽粪便环境污染风险评价方法,开展了基于多指标融合的福建省农用地畜禽粪便环境污染风险评价研究.结果表明:7种风险评价方法的结果在超限量值的县市区分布范围和数量都存在较大的差异.其中以农用地畜禽粪便猪粪当量负荷警报值(磷)为指标的评价结果的超限量值县市区数量最多,共有26个县市区,占总县市区的38.81%;其次是以畜禽养殖密度为指标的评价结果,共有20个县市区超限量值,占总县市区的29.85%;最少的是以农用地畜禽粪便猪粪当量负荷(氮)为指标的评价结果,只有1个县市区超限量值,仅占总县市区的1.49%.宁德市拓荣县是7种风险评价方法中风险最小的县市区,南平市光泽县是6种风险评价方法中风险最大的县市区,漳州市市辖区是1种风险评价方法中风险最大的县市区.基于多指标融合评价方法的结果中超限量值的县市区数为6个,占总县市区的8.96%,其中,风险评价最大值和最小值所在县市区分别为南平市光泽县和宁德市拓荣县.综合上述结果,表明该方法基本反映了7种风险评价方法中的共性问题,能避免采用不同指标所带来的农用地畜禽粪便环境污染风险结果的片面性.研究结果可为农业非点源污染防治、养殖业产业布局规划等提供科学依据.
  • Abstract:Based on the statistical data of livestock and poultry in counties in Fujian Province, we integrated 7 methods to assess the environmental risk assessment in farmland polluted by livestock and poultry feces using multi-indices. The results show that there are great differences among 7 methods to assess the environmental risk of farmland in counties exceeding the limiting value of Fujian Province. When the assessment was conducted with the method of phosphorus equivalent load of farmland in pig manure, the number of the counties exceeding the loading limitation could reach to 26, accounting for 38.81% of the total numbers of counties in Fujian. While the second number was 22, accounting for 29.85% of the total numbers of counties in Fujian resulted from the method of livestock and poultry breeding density. However, using the method of pig manure equivalent load of farmland, we got only one county that exceeding the limitation. Farmland of Tuorong county in Ningde City was the cleanest region assessed by 7 methods of the environmental pollution risk assessment. The highest values were obtained in Guangze county in Nanping City by 6 environmental pollution risk assessment methods. The maximum values resulted from 1 environmental pollution risk assessment method were in municipal district in Zhangzhou City. Meanwhile, based on multi-index amalgamation, the results of environmental pollution risk assessment in farmland from livestock and poultry breeding showed that there were 6 counties exceeding the limiting value, accounting for 8.96% of the total counties in Fujian. Moreover, the maximum and minimum values of risk assessment results were located in Guangze county in Nanping City and Tuorong county in Ningde City, respectively. Our results indicated that the multi-index amalgamation method has reflected the common problems among the 7 risk assessment methods and further avoided the uniform and one-sidedness by different risk assessment methods. The results could provide scientific basis for pollution control of agricultural nonpoint sources, distribution planning of livestock and poultry, etc.

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