
  • 王田野,魏荷芬,胡子全,柴化建,赵海泉.一株异养硝化好氧反硝化菌的筛选鉴定及其脱氮特性[J].环境科学学报,2017,37(3):945-953

  • 一株异养硝化好氧反硝化菌的筛选鉴定及其脱氮特性
  • Isolation and identification of a heterotrophic nitrifying and aerobic denitrifying strain and its denitrification characteristics
  • 基金项目:安徽省省级环保科研课题项目(No.11008727)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 王田野
  • 安徽农业大学生命科学学院, 合肥 230036
  • 魏荷芬
  • 安徽农业大学生命科学学院, 合肥 230036
  • 胡子全
  • 安徽全民环保科技有限公司, 合肥 230036
  • 柴化建
  • 安徽全民环保科技有限公司, 合肥 230036
  • 赵海泉
  • 安徽农业大学生命科学学院, 合肥 230036
  • 摘要:从长期施用农家肥的土壤中筛选出一株异养硝化好氧反硝化菌SQ2,经形态学和16S rRNA同源性分析,初步确定该菌株为不动杆菌Acinetobacter sp..实验研究了菌株SQ2对氨氮、硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的去除特性,通过改变碳氮比、pH、接种量、碳源、温度和转速考察了菌株异养硝化条件,并探究了菌株耐高氨氮特性.结果表明,在28℃、180 r·min-1好氧条件下,菌株SQ2对氨氮、亚硝态氮和硝态氮去除率分别达到100%、99.6%和96.9%,异养硝化体系中氮源降解速率、COD去除速率及菌株生长量均要高于好氧反硝化体系.菌株SQ2异养硝化最适条件为:碳氮比为12,pH为7~9,接种量为5%,碳源为琥珀酸钠,温度为28℃,转速为180~220 r·min-1.菌株SQ2具有良好的耐高氨氮特性,对实际高氨氮猪场废水脱氮效果良好,在高氨氮污水等生物处理方面具有良好的应用前景.
  • Abstract:A heterotrophic nitrifying and aerobic denitrifying bacterium strain named SQ2 was isolated from the soil fertilized by farm manure. Based on its morphological characteristics and 16S rRNA sequence phylogenetic analysis, the strain was identified as Acinetobacter sp.. The characteristics of nitrogen removal for ammonia, nitrate and nitrite by strain SQ2 were investigated respectively, the preferred conditions of ammonia removal by strain SQ2 was investigated through single-factor experiments, the growth and denitrification of strain SQ2 under different conditions of high ammonia were further studied. The result shows that the nitrogen removal rate of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate by strain SQ2 reached 100%, 99.6% and 96.9% respectively under aerobic condition at 180 r·min-1 and 28℃. Compared with aerobic denitrifying system, heterotrophic nitrifying system had the advantage of higher degradation rate of nitrogen source, removal rate of COD and bacterial growth amount. The preferred conditions of ammonia removal for strain SQ2 were:C/N ratio of 12, pH of 7~9, temperature of 28℃, inoculation amount of 5%, succinate as the carbon source, and the shaking speed of 180~220 r·min-1. High ammonia resistance ability of strain SQ2 was relatively strong, and the strain worked well in the real high ammonia piggery wastewater and had a good application prospect in biological treatment of high ammonia wastewater.

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