
  • 张天宇,王勇,程炳岩.1961-2013年四川盆地气溶胶光学厚度的长期变化及与气温的联系[J].环境科学学报,2017,37(3):793-802

  • 1961-2013年四川盆地气溶胶光学厚度的长期变化及与气温的联系
  • Long-term variation of aerosol optical depth over Sichuan Basin of China during 1961-2013 and its relationship with temperature
  • 基金项目:中国气象局气候变化专项(No.CCSF-201519)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 张天宇
  • 重庆市气候中心, 重庆 401147
  • 王勇
  • 重庆市气候中心, 重庆 401147
  • 程炳岩
  • 重庆市气候中心, 重庆 401147
  • 摘要:首先分别对西南地区84个气象站1980年前后的能见度资料进行了均一性处理,建立了各站1961-2013年的能见度长序列数据,再结合水汽压、天气现象资料反演建立了1961-2013年西南地区的气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)长时间序列资料,研究了四川盆地的气溶胶光学厚度的长期变化及其与气温的关系.结果表明,西南地区AOD在四川盆地形成一高值区,四川盆地AOD明显大于云贵高原和川西地区.四川盆地AOD阶段变化明显,从1961-1996年不断增加,线性增加趋势十分显著,高达0.046/10 a,尤其是从1980年代到1990年代中期显著增加且维持在较高值,到1990年代中后期(1996年左右)转为下降趋势.四川盆地在1997年左右开始的显著增暖比全国和全球1980年代中期开始的增暖明显滞后,气溶胶的冷却效应在一定程度上可以解释四川盆地在1980年代至1990年代中期气温偏低.从季节来看,春季AOD的显著增加与四川盆地春季气温变冷的关系相比其它季节更密切.此外,四川盆地AOD与气温日较差存在显著的负相关关系,AOD从1961-1996年不断增加,对四川盆地温度日变化幅度有明显减缓作用.从季节来看,春季AOD与气温日较差的负相关关系相比其他季节更为明显.
  • Abstract:The visibility data over 84 weather stations over Southwest China are processed to make the data format consistent before and after 1980. The long-term variation of visibility from 1960 to 2013 at all these stations were investigated. Long-term variation of AOD was retrieved by incorporating water vapor pressure and synoptic parameters. The relationship between long-term variations of AOD and temperature in Southwest China were investigated. An AOD hotspot area is discovered in Sichuan Basin, with the value significantly higher than those of Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau and Western Sichuan. AOD in Sichuan basin increases rapidly during 1961-1996 with the rate of 0.046/10 a. In particular, a significant increase is found from the mid-1980s to the 1990s. AOD then remained at a high value and starts to decrease around 1996. The significant warming in Sichuan Basin around 1997 is much later than those in other regions starting around mid-1980s, and the low temperatures from mid-1980s to the 1990s in Sichuan Basin can be explained by the cooling effect of thick aerosols. Seasonally, the significant increase of AOD in spring shows the closest relationship with temperature cooling in spring. In addition, AOD in Sichuan basin has a negative correlation with daily temperature range, and the negative correlation was the most significant in spring.

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