
  • 宋小燕,刘锐,董宝刚,川岸朋树,陈吕军.低温条件IASBR处理养猪沼液脱氮性能研究[J].环境科学学报,2017,37(3):1013-1020

  • 低温条件IASBR处理养猪沼液脱氮性能研究
  • Nitrogen removal from digested piggery wastewater by intermittently aerated sequencing batch reactors at low temperature
  • 基金项目:浙江省重大科技专项(No.2014C03022);嘉兴市科技计划项目(No.2015AY23004);三菱丽阳MRC合作项目
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 宋小燕
  • 浙江清华长三角研究院生态环境研究所, 浙江省水质科学与技术重点实验室, 嘉兴 314006
  • 刘锐
  • 浙江清华长三角研究院生态环境研究所, 浙江省水质科学与技术重点实验室, 嘉兴 314006
  • 董宝刚
  • 浙江清华长三角研究院生态环境研究所, 浙江省水质科学与技术重点实验室, 嘉兴 314006
  • 川岸朋树
  • 日本三菱丽阳水处理研发中心, 丰桥 4408601
  • 陈吕军
  • 1. 浙江清华长三角研究院生态环境研究所, 浙江省水质科学与技术重点实验室, 嘉兴 314006;3. 清华大学环境学院, 北京 100084
  • 摘要:以实际养猪沼液为研究对象,考察分步进水间歇曝气序批式生物反应器(IASBR)在低温条件下的脱氮性能.结果表明:IASBR反应器的硝化性能临界水温为10℃,水温低于10℃时硝化性能急剧下降,水温10℃以上时氨氮去除率达到90%以上,且水温15℃以上氨氮负荷极限可达到0.30 kg·m-3·d-1;低碳氮比(COD/TN)1.7±0.3条件下,反硝化性能临界水温为20℃,20℃以上时TN去除率可保持在80%以上,最高达90%,20℃以下时脱氮效率明显降低,出现亚硝态氮积累现象.此外,IASBR反应器脱氮除磷效率高,温度对TOC和TP去除率的影响不敏感.不排泥条件下,进水COD/TN为3.1±0.4时,TN去除率高达90%以上,TOC和TP去除率分别高达83.6%±3.9%和58.5%±17.8%;随后COD/TN降低至1.7±0.3后,TN去除率仍高达80%以上,TOC和TP去除率仅略有降低分别为77.3%±4.6%、53.1%±10.1%.
  • Abstract:This study was conducted to study the nitrogen removal performance of the step-feed intermittently aerated sequencing batch reactor (IASBR) technology applied to treat digested piggery wastewater at low temperature. The results show that the critical temperature to efficient nitrification was 10℃. The ammonia nitrogen removal efficiency was higher than 90% when the temperature was above 10℃, but significantly decreased when the temperature was reduced. In addition, the ammonia nitrogen loading rate was up to 0.30 kg-NH4+-N·m-3·d-1 when the temperature was above 15℃. The critical temperature to efficient denitrification was 20℃ at a low carbon-nitrogen ratio (COD/TN) of 1.7±0.3. The TN removal efficiency was more than 80%, even up to 90%, when the temperature was above 20℃, but it decreased significantly when the temperature was below 20℃ with nitrite accumulation in the effluent. Furthermore, the IASBR achieved higher nitrogen and phosphate removal efficiencies. The temperature did not affect TOC and TP removals. At influent COD/TN of 3.1±0.4, TN was removed by above 90%, with TOC and TP removal efficiencies of 83.6%± 3.9% and 58.5%±17.8%, respectively. When the influent COD/TN was decreased to 1.7±0.3, the TN removal was still above 80%, and the TOC and TP removal efficiencies were slightly reduced to 77.3%±4.6% and 53.1%±10.1%.

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