
  • 李楠,张红飞.航空器场面滑行污染物排放计算研究[J].环境科学学报,2017,37(5):1872-1876

  • 航空器场面滑行污染物排放计算研究
  • Calculating aircraft pollutant emissions during taxiing at the airport
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.U1533112)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 李楠
  • 中国民航大学空中交通管理学院, 天津 300300
  • 张红飞
  • 中国民航大学空中交通管理学院, 天津 300300
  • 摘要:分析了航空器发动机排放污染物种类,介绍了标准起飞着陆循环(LTO)与航空器全发滑行方式下油耗与排放计算模型,建立了单发滑行、牵引滑行、APU电力驱动滑行3种滑行方式的油耗与排放计算模型.采用油耗与排放修正模型,对航空器场面滑行阶段因外界温度、气压、湿度等因素造成的油耗系数与排放系数改变进行修正.以上海虹桥机场为例,计算了不同滑行方式下各机型污染物气体排放量.计算结果表明:采用单发滑行与APU电力驱动滑行可降低航空器场面滑行阶段HC、CO和NOx的排放量,牵引滑行对NOx的排放影响不大,但可明显降低HC、CO的排放量.
  • Abstract:The categories of pollutants emitted by aircraft engines were analyzed. The calculation model of fuel consumption and pollutants emissions for a standard landing and take-off cycle (LTO) and the all-engine taxiing mode was introduced. The fuel consumption and pollutants emissions calculation model for single-engine taxi, tow-outs and APU electronic taxiing mode were established. Considering the external influence by temperature, atmospheric pressure and humidity in the airport, the coefficient of model for fuel consumption and emission were calibrated. Taken Shanghai Hongqiao Airport as an example, the emissions of each pollutant under different taxiing modes were calculated. Calculation results show that the emissions of HC, CO and NOx could be reduced for single-engine taxiing and APU electronic taxiing mode. Tow-outs mode has little effect on NOx emissions, but can reduce the HC and CO emissions significantly.

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