- Ecosystem health assessment based on O/E model and chemical-biological integrated index in the key sections of Huai River basin
- 基金项目:"十二五"水专项(No.l2014ZX07204-006-01);公益性行业科研专项经费项目(No.201501007)
- 刘祥
- 1 南京水利科学研究院生态环境研究中心, 南京 210029;2 河海大学环境学院, 南京 210098
- 陈凯
- 南京水利科学研究院生态环境研究中心, 南京 210029
- 王敏
- 南京水利科学研究院生态环境研究中心, 南京 210029
- 胡柳明
- 南京水利科学研究院生态环境研究中心, 南京 210029
- 陈求稳
- 南京水利科学研究院生态环境研究中心, 南京 210029
- 摘要:由于人类对河流的过度开发利用,河流生态系统逐步退化,部分河流甚至已丧失生态服务功能.因此,客观评价河流生态系统健康状况,加强河流生态保护与修复是水环境管理的重要工作.本研究于2014—2015年度在淮河流域典型河段的9个关键断面展开了4次水生态状况调查,根据四季水质现状和底栖动物群落结构特征,分别应用O/E模型和化学-生物综合指数法对淮河流域河流生态健康进行评价.结果表明:淮河流域总氮污染严重,处于劣Ⅴ类标准;底栖动物群落结构简单,生物多样性较低,主要以腹足纲和昆虫纲为主且物种分布呈现显著的季节性差异;O/E指数在pc≥0和pc≥0.5阈值条件下的评价结果显示所有断面的健康等级均处于差或极差;除夏季外,化学-生物综合指数评价结果与O/E指数评价结果呈现较好的一致性.水质恶化是物种锐减的重要诱因,是水生态健康状况较差的主要限制因素.
- Abstract:River ecosystems are degrading gradually and some rivers even have lost their ecological service functions due to the excessive exploitation and utilization from human activities. Thus it is an important work to objectively evaluate the health conditions of river ecosystems and strengthen the rivers ecological protection and restoration process for water environmental management. This study was mainly focused on the typical reaches of Huai River basin and four surveys on aquatic ecosystem at nine key sections were conducted in the year of 2014—2015. According to the condition of water quality and benthic community structure characteristics in the monitoring sites, we applied the RIVPACS-type O/E model and chemical-biological integrated index for the Huai River health assessment. The results showed that all key sections were seriously polluted by total nitrogen with the water quality level worse than Grade V. The overall structure of benthic community in our research area was relatively simple with low biodiversity, which was mainly composed of Gastropoda and Insecta with significant differences among seasons. O/E index revealed that the health status of all sections were in poor to very poor grade with pc threshold either pc≥0 or pc≥0.5. Except in summer, health assessment results based on chemical-biological integrated index were highly consistent with the previous method. Our results indicated that water quality deterioration was the important cause of species decline, which was also the major constraints contributing to the poor health status of the aquatic ecosystem of Huai River basin.
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