
  • 王丽,李艳,李雪,王琳,韩冰.湿地型微生物燃料电池运行实验研究[J].环境科学学报,2017,37(10):3656-3663

  • 湿地型微生物燃料电池运行实验研究
  • A labscale study on constructed wetland microbial fuel cell
  • 基金项目:国家留学基金管理委员会资助项目(No.20120370391)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 王丽
  • 哈尔滨工业大学能源科学与工程学院, 哈尔滨 150001
  • 李艳
  • 哈尔滨工业大学能源科学与工程学院, 哈尔滨 150001
  • 李雪
  • 中国海洋大学环境科学与工程学院, 青岛 266100
  • 王琳
  • 中国海洋大学环境科学与工程学院, 青岛 266100
  • 韩冰
  • 哈尔滨工业大学能源科学与工程学院, 哈尔滨 150001
  • 摘要:为了探究湿地植物、电极间距对湿地型生物燃料产电及污水净化效能的影响,本文选用鸢尾、绿萝、富贵竹和观音竹4种湿地植物构建湿地型生物燃料电池与相同结构无种植湿地植物的燃料电池进行对照.结果表明,有植物的微生物燃料电池的产电性能优于无植物的微生物燃料电池;4种植物微生物燃料电池功率密度由高到低的顺序依次为:鸢尾 > 绿萝 > 富贵竹 > 观音竹.相同绿萝植物的湿地型微生物燃料电池在不同的电极间距下的产电性能不同,间距越小输出电压和功率密度越大.当电极距离为10 cm时,最大功率密度达2.55 W·m-3,比20 cm和30 cm分别高约30%和50%.4种湿地植物的湿地型微生物燃料电池对COD的去除率均达80%以上,COD去除效率由高到低的顺序依次为:鸢尾 > 富贵竹 > 观音竹 > 绿萝.
  • Abstract:The effects of electrode spacing and plants on the performance of microbial fuel cell-constructed wetland and purification efficiency of wastewater were investigated. rhapis excels, dracaena sanderiana, scindapsus aureus and iris were chosen as the wetland plants. The results indicated that CW-MFC with plants performed better than that without plant and the electricity production capacity was in the order of iris >, scindapsus aureus > dracaena sanderiana > rhapis excels. The electricity production capacity was also influenced by the electrode spacing. The Maximum power density of CW-MFC was 2.55 W·m-3 when the electrode spacing was 10 cm, 30% and 50% higher than those with electrode spacing of 20 cm, and 30 cm. The power density difference of MFC with different spacing is due to internal resistance. The COD removal efficiency of CW-MFC was more than 80% and the efficiency decreased in the order of iris, dracaena sanderiana, rhapis excels and scindapsus aureus. The result indicated that when the electrode spacing was 10 cm, the highest electricity production and wastewater treatment performance were achieved in the CW-MFC with iris wetland plants.

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