
  • 范瑞娟,郭书海,李凤梅,张琇.二维电场中微生物群落动态及混合有机物降解特征[J].环境科学学报,2017,37(9):3543-3552

  • 二维电场中微生物群落动态及混合有机物降解特征
  • Dynamics of microbial community and degradation characteristics of mixed organics in a 2-dimensional electric field
  • 基金项目:国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(No.2013ZX07202-007);宁夏高等学校科研项目(No.NGY2016153);北方民族大学重点科研项目(No.2015KJ34);北方民族大学科研项目(No.2016skky07)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 范瑞娟
  • 1. 北方民族大学生物科学与工程学院, 银川 750021;3. 国家民委发酵酿造工程生物技术重点实验室, 银川 750021
  • 郭书海
  • 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所, 沈阳 110016
  • 李凤梅
  • 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所, 沈阳 110016
  • 张琇
  • 1. 北方民族大学生物科学与工程学院, 银川 750021;3. 国家民委发酵酿造工程生物技术重点实验室, 银川 750021
  • 摘要:以正十六烷、环十二烷和芘组成的混合有机污染物为研究对象,在二维对称电场修复平台上,采用电动-微生物联合修复(BIO-EK)的方式,通过分析微生物群落时空动态及混合有机物降解的时空特征,探讨了二维电场中电场强度、微生物群落和污染物降解特征之间的相关性.结果表明,BIO-EK处理过程中,土壤pH和温度在时间和空间上均没有发生明显的变化,微生物群落结构和数量均主要随处理时间而变化,未发生明显的空间上的变化;电场的施加可提高微生物数量,对污染物降解有积极影响,相对于单独的微生物(BIO)和单独的电动(EK)处理,BIO-EK对污染物处理效率最高;不同类型污染物去除率与电场强度均呈正相关.
  • Abstract:This study evaluated the interactions among electric intensity, microbial community and degradation characteristics of contaminants in the bio-electrokinetics (BIO-EK), by analyzing the temporal and spatial dynamics of the microbial community and characteristics of mixed organics. n-hexadecane, cyclododecane and pyrene were used as mixed organic pollutants, and a 2-dimensional (2-D) symmetric electric field was applied as remediation platform. The results demonstrate that, during the experiments, the soil pH and temperature show little spatial and temporal variation.The microbial community changed significantly, whereas no significant spatial variation were noticed. The presence of the electric field improved the microbial quantity, having a positive effect on pollutants degradation, and the pollutants decreased most intensively in the BIO-EK test compared with bioremediation (BIO)-and electrokinetics (EK) -only tests. An obvious positive correlation between the degradation rates of different types of pollutants and electric intensity was detected.

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