
  • 王小淇,索龙,季雅岚,田伟,赖倩倩,孟磊.添加几种秸秆并淹水对海南土壤N2O和CH4排放的影响[J].环境科学学报,2017,37(10):4004-4010

  • 添加几种秸秆并淹水对海南土壤N2O和CH4排放的影响
  • Effect of addition of several types of straws on N2O and CH4 emissions from soil under flooding condition in Hainan Province
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.41661051,41261063)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 王小淇
  • 海南大学热带农林学院, 海口 570228
  • 索龙
  • 渭南市果业技术推广中心, 渭南 714000
  • 季雅岚
  • 海南大学热带农林学院, 海口 570228
  • 田伟
  • 海南大学热带农林学院, 海口 570228
  • 赖倩倩
  • 海南大学热带农林学院, 海口 570228
  • 孟磊
  • 海南大学热带农林学院, 海口 570228
  • 摘要:利用室内培养试验研究了淹水条件下,不同种类的秸秆对退化菜地土壤修复过程中土壤N2O和CH4排放及其综合温室效应的影响.试验设大豆秸秆、花生秸秆、甘蔗渣、水稻秸秆和空白5个处理,试验培养条件为土壤淹水和30℃.结果表明,添加大豆秸秆、花生秸秆和水稻秸秆均能显著提高土壤的pH、有机质和速效钾含量,且能快速降低土壤氧化还原电位Eh.添加大豆秸秆、花生秸秆、甘蔗渣均能显著降低土壤N2O的排放,其中,大豆秸秆的减排效果最佳.但添加大豆秸秆、花生秸秆、水稻秸秆会促进CH4大量排放,从而导致综合温室效应增加.花生秸秆处理增加的综合温室效应最大,其次是水稻秸秆处理.甘蔗渣处理的综合温室效应显著低于空白,但甘蔗渣处理对土壤改良效果不佳,其不能快速创造强还原条件,未能提高pH与速效钾等.比较4种材料,添加大豆秸秆增加的综合温室效应较小,且改良土壤效果较佳,更适合作为强还原灭菌法的理想材料.
  • Abstract:The incubation experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of straw on the emissions of N2O and CH4 in soil under 30℃ and flooding conditions. Four types of straws (i.e. soybean straw, peanut straw, bagasse and rice straw) were chosen, while no straws addition was used as control (CK). During 25 d incubation, soybean straw, peanut straw and rice straw could significantly increase soil pH, organic matter, available K content, but rapidly decrease soil Eh. Compared to CK, soybean straw, peanut straw and bagasse significantly reduced soil N2O emission, and the lowest appeared for soybean straw. Noticeably, soybean straw, peanut straw and rice straw significantly increased CH4 emissions. Collectively from N2O and CH4 emissions, soybean straw, peanut straw and rice straw resulted in higher global warming potential than CK, and the highest appeared for peanut straw. The global warming potential of bagasse treatment was significantly lower than CK, but bagasse treatment did not effectively improve vegetable soil and failed to increase pH and available potassium. Compared with these four kinds of materials, global warming potential is the lowest and the improved effect to soil is the best for soybean straw.

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