
  • 黄荣霞,周际海,田胜尼,袁颖红,程坤,唐嘉婕,吴雪艳,樊后保.石油污染与食细菌线虫对土壤微生物活性及石油降解的影响[J].环境科学学报,2017,37(11):4322-4328

  • 石油污染与食细菌线虫对土壤微生物活性及石油降解的影响
  • Effects of caenorhabditis elegans on soil microbial activities and petroleum degradation in petroleum contaminated soil
  • 基金项目:江西省教育厅科学技术研究项目(No.GJJ20151118);国家自然科学基金(No.31460149);江西省科技厅重点研发计划项目(No.20161BBG70050);安徽省生物学重点学科项目(No.2014QJSK015)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 黄荣霞
  • 1. 安徽农业大学 生命科学学院, 合肥 230036;2. 南昌工程学院 江西省退化生态系统修复与流域生态水文重点实验室, 南昌 330099
  • 周际海
  • 南昌工程学院 江西省退化生态系统修复与流域生态水文重点实验室, 南昌 330099
  • 田胜尼
  • 安徽农业大学 生命科学学院, 合肥 230036
  • 袁颖红
  • 南昌工程学院 江西省退化生态系统修复与流域生态水文重点实验室, 南昌 330099
  • 程坤
  • 南昌工程学院 江西省退化生态系统修复与流域生态水文重点实验室, 南昌 330099
  • 唐嘉婕
  • 南昌工程学院 江西省退化生态系统修复与流域生态水文重点实验室, 南昌 330099
  • 吴雪艳
  • 南昌工程学院 江西省退化生态系统修复与流域生态水文重点实验室, 南昌 330099
  • 樊后保
  • 南昌工程学院 江西省退化生态系统修复与流域生态水文重点实验室, 南昌 330099
  • 摘要:随着经济快速发展,石油及其产品用量增多,石油污染问题日益严重,土壤石油污染治理刻不容缓.研究表明石油污染土壤中存在大量的食细菌线虫,但食细菌线虫在石油污染土壤中的作用还不清楚.本试验采用人工模拟石油污染土壤,通过接种不同密度模式线虫 (Caenorhabditis elegans),研究食细菌线虫在石油污染土壤中的功能及其对污染土壤中石油降解及土壤微生物活性的影响.本实验共设6个处理:高温灭菌石油污染土壤 (FSP),作为对照处理1;杀灭线虫土壤 (S),作为对照处理2;石油污染土壤 (SP);石油污染土壤 + 5条线虫/g干土 (SPN5);石油污染土壤 + 10条线虫/g干土 (SPN10);石油污染土壤 + 20条线虫/g干土 (SPN20).研究结果表明:整个试验培养结束时,处理SP、SPN5、SPN10和SPN20的石油残留量比第0天采样时分别降低约60.78%、80.01%、67.63%和66.31%,处理SP、SPN5、SPN10和SPN20的石油残留量比处理FSP分别降低约43.60%、70.68%、52.34%和50.45%,得出接种线虫可以促进污染土壤的石油降解,其中接种5条线虫/g干土的处理促进石油降解效果最好.第7 d采样时,处理SP、SPN5、SPN10、SPN20中脱氢酶酶活性比处理S分别增加约132.76%、115.09%、118.67%和55.81%,表明石油污染可以激活脱氢酶;第14 d时,接种线虫处理SPN5、SPN10和SPN20的脱氢酶活性比未接种线虫处理SP的脱氢酶活性分别增加约5.16%、18.13%和29.56%,表明添加食细菌线虫也促进了土壤相关酶活性.该研究证明食细菌线虫可以在石油污染土壤中刺激微生物的繁殖,增强土壤酶活性,进而促进污染土壤石油的降解.
  • Abstract:With the rapid development of economy, petroleum and its products have been increasingly used, causing serious petroleum pollution. It is therefore urgent to remediate petroleum contaminated soil. Bioremediation is one of the leading methods for the remediation of petroleum pollution. Previous research has shown that there was a large amount of bacterial-feeding nematodes in petroleum contaminated soil, while their roles were yet to be found. We set up a laboratory experiment to study the function and effects of bacterial-feeding nematodes in petroleum contaminated soil and explored the effects of different densities of Caenorhabditis elegans on petroleum degradation and soil microbial activities in simulated petroleum contaminated soil. There were 6 treatments in the experiment: unsterilized soil + 5.0 g petroleum per kg dry soil (SP), unsterilized soil + 5.0 g petroleum per kg dry soil + 5 nematodes per g dry soil (SPN5), unsterilized soil + 5.0 g petroleum per kg dry soil + 10 nematodes per g dry soil (SPN10), unsterilized soil + 5.0 g petroleum per kg dry soil + 20 nematodes per g dry soil (SPN20). The sterilized petroleum contaminated soil (FSP) was set as control 1 and uncontaminated nematode-free soil (S) as control 2. The results show that residual petroleum content in the soil of SP, SPN5, SPN10, and SPN20 decreased by about 60.78%, 80.01%, 67.63% and 66.31% at the end of the experiment, respectively. Additionally, the results showed that compared with FSP, residual petroleum content in the soil of SP, SPN5, SPN10, and SPN20 decreased by about 43.60%, 70.68%, 52.34% and 50.45%, respectively. It demonstrated that nematodes could remove petroleum from contaminated soil. SPN5 was the highest on the reduction of petroleum. The dehydrogenase activity of SP, SPN5, SPN10, and SPN20 was activated by petroleum and increased by about 43.60%, 70.68%, 52.34% and 50.45% at the 7th day, respectively. On the 14th day, the activity of dehydrogenase of the treatments inoculated with nematodes increased by about 5.16%, 18.13% and 29.56% compared with SP, showing that when bacterial-feeding nematodes were inoculated into the petroleum contaminated soil, the soil enzyme activities above can be enhanced. This experiment demonstrated that bacterial-feeding nematodes promoted the degradation of petroleum in contaminated soil by stimulating microorganisms' reproduction and enhancing soil enzyme activities.

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