
  • 祝薇,李浩文,王宝民,吴蒙,步巧利,董国业,炎利军,范绍佳.多遥感设备联用在区域空气质量变化与边界层结构关系研究中的应用[J].环境科学学报,2018,38(5):1689-1698

  • 多遥感设备联用在区域空气质量变化与边界层结构关系研究中的应用
  • Joint application of multiple remote sensing equipment on the study of the relationship between regional air quality change and boundary layer structure
  • 基金项目:国家重点研发计划课题(No.2017YFC0209606,2016YFC0203305);国家自然科学基金重点项目(No.41630422);广州市产学研协同创新重大专项(No.201604020028)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 祝薇
  • 中山大学大气科学学院, 广州 510275
  • 李浩文
  • 中山大学大气科学学院, 广州 510275
  • 王宝民
  • 中山大学大气科学学院, 广州 510275
  • 吴蒙
  • 广东省佛山市气象局, 佛山 528000
  • 步巧利
  • 广东省佛山市气象局, 佛山 528000
  • 董国业
  • 广东省佛山市气象局, 佛山 528000
  • 炎利军
  • 广东省佛山市气象局, 佛山 528000
  • 范绍佳
  • 中山大学大气科学学院, 广州 510275
  • 摘要:为研究佛山地区空气质量变化与边界层结构的关系,2015年10-12月在佛山地区3个站点同步开展了多台风廓线雷达、激光雷达、微波辐射计联用的大气边界层结构观测实验.结果表明:风廓线雷达探测可获得平均风场垂直分布的连续变化,发现佛山地区风场垂直分层结构明显,空气污染与近地小风层厚度的相关性较强.激光雷达探测可获得颗粒物消光特性垂直分布的连续变化,发现佛山地区颗粒物消光特性与大气边界层结构有密切关系,空气质量指数(AQI)变化与颗粒物激光雷达探测反演的边界层高度相关性较高,相关系数为-0.58.微波辐射计探测可获得平均温度、相对湿度垂直分布的连续变化,逆温和相对湿度变化对边界层日变化及空气污染成因分析有较高的价值.通过多设备联合探测,可同时获得研究地区平均风场垂直分布特征、颗粒物浓度变化特征、逆温和相对湿度的变化特征.多设备联合探测,有利于区域空气质量变化与边界层结构关系机理研究,对区域空气质量变化的预测预报有重要作用.
  • Abstract:For the study on the relationship between regional air quality change and boundary layer structure, three months of simultaneously atmospheric boundary layer structure observation experiments were carried out in 3 sites of Foshan area using wind profile radar, laser radar, and microwave radiometer from October to December,2015. It was found that,the wind profile radar detection can continuously provide high vertical resolution wind observations, and from the vertical distribution of the derived average wind field,obvious vertical stratification structure of the wind field is observed in Foshan area; air pollution has a strong correlation with the thickness of the lower weak wind layer. The laser radar can detect the continuous variation of the vertical distribution of the extinction properties of particles. The extinction characteristics of particulate matter in Foshan area are closely related to the structure of atmospheric boundary layer, and the change of air quality index (AQI) is highly correlated with the retrieved boundary layer height, with a correlation coefficient of -0.58. The microwave radiometer can continuously detect the vertical distribution of temperature and relative humidity, and thus the statistic evolution the vertical structure of temperature and relative humidity can be obtained. The air pollution has a high correlation with the diurnal variation of the boundary layer inversion and relative humidity. Through the joint detection by multiple devices, the vertical distribution characteristics of the mean wind field, the evolution of the particle concentration, and the characteristics of the temperature inversion and the relative humidity distribution can be obtained simultaneously. Multi-equipment joint detection has an important role on the mechanism study of the relationship between regional air quality change and boundary layer structure, and also very useful for the regional air quality forecast study.

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