
  • 薛忠财,李纪红,李十中,杜瑞恒,吕芃,籍贵苏,刘永兵.能源作物甜高粱对镉污染农田的修复潜力研究[J].环境科学学报,2018,38(4):1621-1627

  • 能源作物甜高粱对镉污染农田的修复潜力研究
  • Study on the phytoremediation potential of energy crop sweet sorghum to Cd-contaminated agriculture soil
  • 基金项目:科技惠民计划项目(No.2013GS460202-3)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 薛忠财
  • 清华大学核能与新能源技术研究院, 北京 100084
  • 李纪红
  • 清华大学核能与新能源技术研究院, 北京 100084
  • 李十中
  • 清华大学核能与新能源技术研究院, 北京 100084
  • 杜瑞恒
  • 河北省农林科学院谷子研究所, 石家庄 050035
  • 吕芃
  • 河北省农林科学院谷子研究所, 石家庄 050035
  • 籍贵苏
  • 河北省农林科学院谷子研究所, 石家庄 050035
  • 刘永兵
  • 轻工业环境保护研究所, 北京 100089
  • 摘要:通过田间控制试验,研究在不同镉污染条件下甜高粱对镉的吸收和积累规律,并采用先进固态发酵(ASSF)技术对甜高粱进行能源化利用,阐明能源植物甜高粱对镉污染农田的修复潜力.结果表明:甜高粱对镉具有较强的吸收能力和耐性,在不同浓度的镉处理条件下,均可以完成正常生育期(167 d),但当土壤镉含量达到33 mg·kg-1时其生长受到显著抑制.在甜高粱植株内,根部的镉浓度最高,呈现根 > 茎 > 叶 > 籽粒的分布特点,单株镉的积累量最高可达到0.84 mg(土壤镉含量为18 mg·kg-1).甜高粱对镉的吸收与土壤中的镉含量具有显著的线性关系(P<0.05),随着土壤中镉含量的增加显著增加,但是镉处理对甜高粱茎秆的糖和水分含量,以及发酵过程中糖利用率和乙醇转化率均没有影响.因此,在镉污染农田上种植甜高粱,可以确保生产的产品不进入食物链而进入能源产业链,既可以生产生物乙醇的原材料,产生经济效益,又可以吸收土壤中镉,实现对镉污染农田的边生产边修复.
  • Abstract:In order to study on the phytoremediation potential of energy crop sweet sorghum to Cd-contaminated agriculture soil, Cd uptake and accumulation of sweet sorghum under different Cd concentrations, and the energy utilization of stalk by advanced solid state fermentation (ASSF) technology, were investigated by a field control experiment. The results showed that sweet sorghum had strong ability to absorb and tolerate Cd, and can complete the whole growth period (167 days) under different Cd concentrations. However, the growth of sweet sorghum was inhibited when the Cd concentrations in soil were 33 mg·kg-1. The Cd was mainly accumulated in the roots of sweet sorghum, meanwhile, the Cd concentration in the sweet sorghum plants showed as the order of "root > sti > leaf > grain". The accumulation of Cd in the sweet sorghum plant can reach up to 0.84 mg·plant-1, when the Cd concentration in the soil was 18 mg·kg-1. The Cd concentration in the root, stem, leaf and seed of the sweet sorghum increased significantly with the increasing Cd concentration in the soil, and had a significant linear relationship between them (P<0.05). Meanwhile, Cd treatment had no effect on sugar and water content in sweet sorghum stalks, and sugar utilization rate and ethanol conversion rate during fermentation. Therefore, the cultivation of sweet sorghum on Cd-contaminated arable land can be used to produce raw materials of bio-ethanol and extract the Cd in the soil, which ensure that the products produced do not enter the food chain and enter the energy industry chain.

  • 摘要点击次数: 1207 全文下载次数: 2012