
  • 李勇,赵应权,邹长明.水泥粉尘对农田土壤污染的环境磁学响应[J].环境科学学报,2018,38(5):2023-2033

  • 水泥粉尘对农田土壤污染的环境磁学响应
  • Magnetic response of cement dust to farmland soil pollution
  • 基金项目:安徽省公益性技术应用研究联动计划项目(No.1704f0704060)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 李勇
  • 安徽科技学院电气与电子工程学院, 凤阳 233100
  • 赵应权
  • 成都理工大学沉积学院, 成都 610059
  • 邹长明
  • 安徽科技学院资源与环境学院, 凤阳 233100
  • 摘要:为了探索水泥工业生产与厂周围农田土壤环境变迁之间的关系,在安徽省凤阳县水泥工业区周围农田内采集了麦地土壤和3条测线(E-W、N-W、N-S)上稻田土壤,对土壤样品及水泥粉尘的磁学参数和金属元素(Al、Fe、K、Ca、Mg、Na、Cr、Ba、Mn、Zn)含量进行了测量.结果显示,两类土壤样品的磁学性质主要由磁铁矿控制,磁性矿物含量高于土壤母质参考值、低于水泥粉尘,磁性矿物粒径介于土壤母质和水泥粉尘之间.麦地土壤样品中Ca、Zn含量的平均值(85.4 g·kg-1、101.0 mg·kg-1)高于3条测线上稻田土壤的平均值(10.6 g·kg-1、51.0 mg·kg-1(E-W);11.0 g·kg-1、68.0 mg·kg-1(N-S);8.9 g·kg-1、55.6 mg·kg-1(N-W)),且大幅高于土壤母质参考值(5.9 g·kg-1、29.9 mg·kg-1),但低于水泥粉尘的值(344.0 g·kg-1、110.3 mg·kg-1).内梅罗指数PN结果显示,麦地土壤样品呈现出重度污染(5 < PN < 20),3条测线上稻田土壤样品呈现出轻度污染到中度污染的特征(1 < PN < 3),离水泥厂越近污染越严重.所有土壤样品的磁学参数χ、SIRM、χARMPN存在显著正相关关系(r=0.918、0.944、0.968).因此,磁学参数χ、SIRM、χARM可以作为农田土壤被水泥粉尘污染程度的指示.
  • Abstract:In order to explore the relationship between the cement production and the soil environmental change around the factory, the wheat soil samples around the cement industrial zone and rice soil samples of 3 measuring lines (E-W, N-W, N-S) were collected in Fengyang County, Anhui Province. Both of the magnetic parameters and metal elements concentration of Al, Fe, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Cr, Ba, Mn and Zn in soil samples and cement dust were measured. The results showed that the magnetic properties of two kinds soil samples were predominated by magnetite, the content of magnetic minerals were higher than soil background reference values and also lower than cement dust. The diameters of magnetic minerals were between the soil background values and finer cement dust. The average contents of Ca, Zn in wheat soil samples (85.4 g·kg-1, 101.0 mg·kg-1) were higher than rice soil of 3 measuring lines (10.6 g·kg-1, 51.0 mg·kg-1(E-W); 11.0 g·kg-1, 68.0 mg·kg-1(N-S); 8.9 g·kg-1, 55.6 mg·kg-1(N-W)), and were significantly higher compare to soil background (5.9 g·kg-1, 29.9 mg·kg-1), but lower than cement dust (344.0 g·kg-1, 110.3 mg·kg-1). The Nemero index PN displayed that wheat soil samples were heavily polluted (5 < PN < 20), and the rice soil samples of 3 measuring lines were slightly and moderately polluted (1 < PN < 3). The closer to the cement factory, the more serious pollution presented. There were significant positive correlations (r=0.918、0.944、0.968) between PN and the magnetic parameters (χ, SIRM and χARM) in all soil samples. Therefore, the magnetic parameters χ, SIRM and χARM can be used as indications of the extent of soil contamination by cement dust in farmland.

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