
  • 孟妮娜,金鹏康,金虎,李雪兵.基于氮稳定同位素分馏原理的活性污泥脱氮性能评价[J].环境科学学报,2018,38(5):1828-1834

  • 基于氮稳定同位素分馏原理的活性污泥脱氮性能评价
  • Evaluation of the nitrogen removal performanceinactivated sludgeprocess based on nitrogen stable isotope fractionation principle
  • 基金项目:西北黄土塬区农村供排水一体化与环境改善技术研究与示范项目基金(No.2016YFC0400701);城市污水深度脱氮除磷与智能控制技术研究与示范项目基金(No.2016TZC-S-19-3)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 孟妮娜
  • 西安建筑科技大学环境与市政工程学院, 西安 710055
  • 金鹏康
  • 西安建筑科技大学环境与市政工程学院, 西安 710055
  • 金虎
  • 西安市污水处理有限责任公司, 西安 710024
  • 李雪兵
  • 西安建筑科技大学环境与市政工程学院, 西安 710055
  • 摘要:基于氮稳定同位素分馏原理,运用瑞利分馏方程,论文构建了活性污泥脱氮性能评价模型,以分析城市污水的微生物脱氮效率与活性.实验通过对城市污水处理厂的长期监测,确定了模型的主要参数.为验证模型在不同出水无机氮组成情况下的适用性,本研究监测了反硝化限制作用、硝化限制作用、氨化限制作用3种情况下的脱氮效能.结果表明,这3种情况下的脱氮效能均可以通过测定活性污泥的δ15N值,利用该评价模型预测.为验证该模型在不同脱氮能力下的适应性,本研究设置了3种典型工况,测得的3种工况下活性污泥的δ15N值分别为13.97‰、8.33‰和4.47‰,利用评价模型得出的脱氮效率分别为96%、71%和22%,与实际脱氮效率吻合度高,污泥脱氮活性也呈现递减趋势.说明该模型对于具有不同脱氮能力的水处理系统均适用.该模型可避免复杂的布点监测等过程,仅通过污泥的δ15N值即可了解整个系统的脱氮能力及污泥脱氮活性,对污水处理厂的强化脱氮具有指导意义;为评价污水处理过程中氮的去除效果提供了更为便捷、准确的途径.
  • Abstract:In this study, we proposed a model to evaluate the nitrogen removal performance of reactive sludge based on the Rayleigh fractionation equation and the nitrogen stable isotope fractionation. This model could be used to analyze the efficiency and activity of the microbial denitrification of urban sewage. The major parameters in this model are determined by monitoring waste water treatment plants for long time span. To verify the applicability of this model under the different conditions of aqueous inorganic nitrogen, this study monitored the denitrification restriction, nitrification restriction and ammonia restriction in waste water treatment plants respectively. The results show that the nitrogen removal performance under these three conditions can be accurately predicted by measuring the δ15N value of activated sludge in association with the evaluation model. To verify the adaptability of this model under different nitrogen removal ability, we set up three reactors with different working conditions, the δ15N value of activated sludge in each reactor was 13.97‰, 8.33‰ and 4.47‰ respectively. The denitrification efficiency are evaluated by this model as 96%,71% and 22% respectively as the activity of sludge declines. The fact that denitrification efficiency evaluated by this model is highly consistent with the actual removal rate indicates that this model is adaptable for water treatment system with different denitrification ability. The application of this evaluation model can avoid the complex process of stationing and monitoring. The whole system denitrification ability and sludge viability can be acquired by δ15N value of activated sludge. The results based on this model can also reflect the denitrification activity of activated, which has particular significance for denitrification strengthening. Moreover, this model provides a more convenient and accurate way for evaluating the nitrogen removal efficiency in the wastewater treatment in terms of microorganism stable isotope analysis.

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