
  • 李宁,张晓岸,熊晓莉,杨良利.复合铜盐对有机废弃物高温好氧堆肥的保氮效果[J].环境科学学报,2018,38(6):2462-2467

  • 复合铜盐对有机废弃物高温好氧堆肥的保氮效果
  • Effects of composite copper salts on nitrogen conservation in thermophilic aerobic composting of organic waste
  • 基金项目:重庆市社会事业与民生保障科技创新专项项目(No.cstc2016shmszx80096);重庆市高校优秀成果转化资助项目(No.KJZH17125);中央财政支持地方高校发展专项资金环境与能源催化创新团队建设项目(渝财教[2017]91号)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 李宁
  • 重庆工商大学环境与资源学院, 重庆 400067
  • 张晓岸
  • 重庆工商大学环境与资源学院, 重庆 400067
  • 熊晓莉
  • 重庆工商大学环境与资源学院, 重庆 400067
  • 杨良利
  • 重庆市潼南区农业委员会, 重庆 402660
  • 摘要:高温好氧堆肥是资源化利用有机废弃物的途径之一,但堆肥过程中氮素损失严重.本文以复合铜盐CCS为保氮剂,粪便混合物为堆肥原料,通过单因素和正交实验,研究了C/N比(20、30、35)、含水率w(50%、55%、60%)、CCS添加量m(1.2%、1.4%、1.6%)等因素对高温好氧堆肥中氮素的影响,初步探讨了氮素固定的机理.实验结果表明,最佳氮素固定条件为:C/N=20、w=60%、m=1.4%,在此条件下,总氮损失减少率(L)高达62.78%.与其他保氮剂对比发现,复合铜盐具有添加量少、总氮损失减少率较高、成本适中等优点,表明复合铜盐适宜用作堆肥过程中的保氮剂.氮素固定的机理可能是铜离子与铵根离子络合.
  • Abstract:Thermophilic aerobic composting is a way for recycling use of organic waste, whereas mass nitrogen is lost during composting. In this research, composite copper salts (CCS) and manure mixture were used as nitrogen conservation regent and composting material, respectively. The main factors which might affect the nitrogen conservation were investigated by single and orthogonal factors, including C/N (20, 30 and 35), water content (w, 50%, 55% and 60%) and CCS dosage (m, 1.2%, 1.4% and 1.6%). The mechanism of nitrogen conservation was preliminarily discussed. The results of the experiments indicated that the most suitable conditions of nitrogen conservation were determined as follows:C/N=20、w=60%、m=1.4%. The TN (total nitrogen) loss reduction ratio (L) was even up to 62.78% under these conditions. Compared with the other nitrogen conservation agents, it was found that CCS had the advantages of less dosage, higher TN loss reduction ratio and moderate cost which indicated that CCS was suitable as a nitrogen conservation agent in the composting process. The mechanism of nitrogen conservation was probably the complexation of copper ions with ammonium ions.

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