
  • 张伟霞,黄春蕾,柯云婷,张琪,邹思贝,付名利,黄皓旻,叶代启.真菌预处理优化制备微介多级孔炭及其吸附甲苯的研究[J].环境科学学报,2018,38(10):3917-3926

  • 真菌预处理优化制备微介多级孔炭及其吸附甲苯的研究
  • Preparation of Phanerochaete chrysosporium modified micro-meso hierarchical porous carbon and its adsorption performance for toluene
  • 基金项目:广东省自然科学基金博士启动项目(No.2017A030310537);国家自然科学基金(No.51578245);国家重点研发计划(No.2016YFC0204203);广州市科技计划项目(No.201804020026);中央高校基本科研业务费(No.2017BQ07)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 张伟霞
  • 华南理工大学环境与能源学院, 广州 510006
  • 黄春蕾
  • 华南理工大学环境与能源学院, 广州 510006
  • 柯云婷
  • 华南理工大学环境与能源学院, 广州 510006
  • 张琪
  • 华南理工大学环境与能源学院, 广州 510006
  • 邹思贝
  • 华南理工大学环境与能源学院, 广州 510006
  • 付名利
  • 1. 华南理工大学环境与能源学院, 广州 510006;2. 挥发性有机物污染治理技术与装备国家工程实验室, 广州 510006;3. 广东省大气环境与污染控制重点实验室, 广州 510006;4. 广东省环境风险防控与应急处置工程技术研究中心, 广州 510006
  • 黄皓旻
  • 1. 华南理工大学环境与能源学院, 广州 510006;2. 挥发性有机物污染治理技术与装备国家工程实验室, 广州 510006;3. 广东省大气环境与污染控制重点实验室, 广州 510006;4. 广东省环境风险防控与应急处置工程技术研究中心, 广州 510006
  • 叶代启
  • 1. 华南理工大学环境与能源学院, 广州 510006;2. 挥发性有机物污染治理技术与装备国家工程实验室, 广州 510006;3. 广东省大气环境与污染控制重点实验室, 广州 510006;4. 广东省环境风险防控与应急处置工程技术研究中心, 广州 510006
  • 摘要:提出采用黄孢原毛平革菌对生物质前体物进行预处理的制备策略,从而研发孔结构可调的多级孔炭材料模板.选用荷叶作为生物质原材料,探讨菌种投加量、培养时间对多级孔炭材料前驱体的影响,并采用水蒸气物理活化法,分析活化温度和活化时间对炭材料比表面积、孔径分布和表面官能团的综合作用.最后,通过Raman、XRD、BET、FTIR、TGA、SEM、EA等手段表征其物理化学性质,并考察真菌预处理对炭材料的甲苯吸附性能的影响.结果表明,在生物质荷叶质量30 g、菌种投加量4 mL、培养时间7 d、活化温度800℃、活化时间90 min条件下制备的微介多级孔炭材料,在含有较多介孔的前提下比表面积可达937 m2·g-1,总孔容为0.68 cm3·g-1.动态模拟吸附实验发现,经预处理的炭材料在甲苯浓度905 mg·m-3下对其饱和吸附容量为304 mg·g-1,是未经真菌调控荷叶吸附容量的1.83倍,吸附性能的提升主要归因于比表面积、孔容及表面酸性基团增大的作用.经真菌预处理调控的炭材料对甲苯的吸附符合Langmuir吸附等温线,属于单分子层吸附.
  • Abstract:The paper proposes a novel strategy for the pretreatment of biomass with Phanerochaete chrysosporium to develop the precursor of micro-meso hierarchical porous carbon with adjustable pore structure. Lotus leaves were selected as raw biomass material, and the influence of microbe amendment and the incubation time on the carbon precursor were investigated. Using one-step physical activation of water vapor, the activation temperature and time took effects on the specific surface area, pore size distribution and surface functional groups of the carbon material. Thus, the single variable method was used to determine the optimal modification conditions. The carbon material was characterized by using Raman, XRD, BET, FTIR, TGA, SEM, EA techniques, and the adsorption capacities of the pretreated material and the blank were also studied. The results show the optimal modification conditions for 30 g biomass were the microbial amount of 4 mL, the decompose time of 7 days, the carbonization temperature of 800℃ and the activation time of 90 min. Under these conditions, the specific surface area was as high as 937 m2·g-1 with more mesopores, and the total pore volume was 0.68 cm3·g-1. Results show that the adsorption capacities of toluene vapor was 304 mg·g-1, which was 1.83 times higher than that of the unmodified biomass. The enhancement in adsorption performance could be attributed to the increase of the specific surface area, pore volume, and surface acidic groups by microbial pretreatment. The adsorption isotherm of toluene of the modified material was well fitted by Langmuir equation, implying the process may be the monolayer adsorption.

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