
  • 吕迎春,孙志伟,宋佳伟,徐刚.磷和金属对荣成天鹅湖水体碱性磷酸酶活性和动力学性质的影响研究[J].环境科学学报,2018,38(10):4083-4089

  • 磷和金属对荣成天鹅湖水体碱性磷酸酶活性和动力学性质的影响研究
  • Effects of phosphate and metal ions on alkaline phosphatase activity and kinetic parameters in Swan Lake, Rongcheng
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.41573120,41103073)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 吕迎春
  • 中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所, 烟台 264003
  • 孙志伟
  • 1. 中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所, 烟台 264003;2. 鲁东大学, 烟台 264003
  • 宋佳伟
  • 1. 中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所, 烟台 264003;2. 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049
  • 徐刚
  • 中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所, 烟台 264003
  • 摘要:磷酸酶催化水解有机磷是水体生物有效磷的重要补充途径.以天鹅湖富营养化水体为研究对象,研究了磷和金属对水体中碱性磷酸酶的活性(APA)和动力学性质的影响.结果表明:磷酸根(PO43-)、六偏磷酸根((PO366-)、焦磷酸根(P2O74-)、β-甘油磷酸根((C3H4O6P)2-)在0.01~1 mmol·L-1范围内对APA表现为抑制作用,并且抑制作用随浓度的升高而增强:浓度为1 mmol·L-1时,与对照相比,水体中APA分别降低50.8%、55.8%、52.4%和14.4%.金属Al3+、Co2+、Pb2+和Cr6+对APA的激活作用随浓度增大而增强,浓度为1 mmol·L-1时,水体APA分别是空白的2.8、3.1、2.3和2.7倍.重金属Cu2+、Zn2+、Ni2+对水体中碱性磷酸酶表现出抑制作用,3种重金属中Cu2+抑制作用最显著.当Cu2+浓度为1 mmol·L-1时,碱性磷酸酶相对活性仅为空白的62.3%.随着Cu2+、PO43-、(PO366-、P2O74-浓度增大,碱性磷酸酶的最大反应速率Vmax保持基本稳定,米氏常数Km增大,因此,它们对碱性磷酸酶的抑制为竞争性抑制类型.同时,Vmax/Km值随Cu2+、PO43-、(PO366-、P2O74-、(C3H4O6P)2-浓度的增大而降低,催化效率降低,说明Vmax/Km可作为水体磷酸酶催化能力的有效指标.总体而言,含磷基团和金属离子会显著影响富营养化水体APA,将间接影响水体有机磷的转化和供磷效率.
  • Abstract:The catalytic hydrolysis of organic phosphorus by phosphatase represents an important source of available phosphorus in surface water. To assess the effects of phosphate and metal ions on alkaline phosphatase activity and kinetic parameters, surface water samples were taken from the coastal Swan Lake water in Rongcheng. Results show that phosphate (PO43-), hexametaphosphates (PO3)66-, pyrophosphate (P2O74-) and β-glycerophosphate (C3H4O6P)2- could inhibit the alkaline phosphatase activity (APA) when their concentrations were in the range of 0.01-1mmol·L-1. And this inhibition effect increased with the increase of the ion concentrations. In comparison, the APA decreased 50.8%, 55.8%, 52.4% and 14.4% as treated by 1 mmol·L-1 PO43-, (PO3)66-, P2O74-, (C3H4O6P)2-, respectively. The activation of APA by Al3+、Co2+、Pb2+ and Cr6+ increased when their concentration increased. After adding 1 mmol·L-1 Al3+, Co2+, Pb2+ and Cr6+ to the water, the APA increased by a factor of 2.8, 3.1, 2.3 and 2.7, respectively. The heavy metal Cu2+,Zn2+,Ni2+ were also found to have inhibition effects on APA, especially for Cu2+.The residual APA dramatically decreased to 62.3% at 1 mmol·L-1of Cu2+. The significant reduction of an apparent substrate affinity (Km) and the uniform pattern of maximum APA (Vmax) were both observed when the Cu2+, PO43-, (PO3)66-, P2O74- increased. This phenomenon indicates that Cu2+, PO43-, (PO3)66-, P2O74- behave in competitive inhibition effects. In addition, Vmax/Km ratio is a good indicator for the catalytic efficiency of alkaline phosphatases in eutrophic water. This research suggests that the phosphate and metal ions can significantly influence APA and has profound implication for the transform and supplement of the organic phosphorus in eutrophic water.

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