
  • 曹惠玲,汤鑫豪,苗佳禾.基于QAR数据的发动机LTO阶段氮氧化物排放量计算与分析[J].环境科学学报,2018,38(10):3900-3904

  • 基于QAR数据的发动机LTO阶段氮氧化物排放量计算与分析
  • Calculation and analysis of nitrogen oxide emission in LTO stage of engine based on QAR data
  • 基金项目:中国民航大学开放基金(No.000031020102)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 曹惠玲
  • 中国民航大学航空工程学院, 天津 300300
  • 汤鑫豪
  • 中国民航大学航空工程学院, 天津 300300
  • 苗佳禾
  • 中国民航大学航空工程学院, 天津 300300
  • 摘要:氮氧化物是发动机运行过程中产生的一种主要污染物,对于航空器氮氧化物排放量的准确计算是控制排放和评估其环境影响的基础.本文依据BM2流量修正方法对机载快速存取记录器(QAR)数据中的燃油流量值进行标准化修正,并根据低压转子转速、空地传感器指示、油门杆解算器角度、飞行高度,对起飞着陆循环(LTO)进行更精确的阶段划分.同时,参考国际民航组织公布的特定发动机机型的分阶段排放指数,对PW-4077D发动机某次LTO阶段的氮氧化物排放量进行计算.结果表明,通过精准飞行阶段划分,结合QAR实测数据估算的LTO分阶段(起飞、爬升、进近、慢车)氮氧化物排放量分别达到3415.87、7574.57、3019.98、1721.33 g,与标准LTO估算方法相比,相差30%以上.这种发动机LTO阶段实际排放量的计算方法,可为近地面航空器乃至不同地区整个机场氮氧化物污染评估提供更加准确的依据.
  • Abstract:Nitrogen oxide is one of the main pollutants produced during the operation of the engine. The accurate calculation of nitrogen oxide emissions from aircraft is the basis for controlling the emission and evaluating the environmental impact.This paper uses the BM2 flow correction method to corrects the fuel flow value in the QAR (airborne quick access recorder) data, and analyzes exact consumption time of each phase of the LTO (landing-take-off cycle) based on the low speed rotor speed, air sensor indication, throttle lever resolver angle, and flight altitude. With reference to the phased emission index of the specific engine type published by ICAO, this paper calculates the NOx emissions of a PW-4077D engine at one LTO stage.The results show that the estimated nitrogen oxide emissions of LTO in stages using the QAR measured data after accurately dividing the flight phase, are 3415.87, 7574.57, 3019.98 and 1721.33 g, respectively, which are more than 30% different from the original estimation method. The method for calculating the engine emissions of LTO phase can provides a more accurate reference for assessing pollution of near-ground aircrafts and airports in different regions.

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