
  • 王子凌,信欣,王锣,杜容霆,李易玲,勾钰霞.CANON工艺处理猪场沼液的启动及微生物种群结构分析[J].环境科学学报,2018,38(10):3945-3953

  • CANON工艺处理猪场沼液的启动及微生物种群结构分析
  • Start-up and microbial communities analysis of CANON process for the treatment of anaerobic digester liquor of swine wastewater (ADLSW)
  • 基金项目:成都市科技惠民技术研发项目(No.2015-HM01-00477-SF);四川省教育厅科研项目(No.17ZA0067);成都信息工程大学中青年学术带头人科研基金项目(No.J201614)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 王子凌
  • 成都信息工程大学资源环境学院, 成都 610225
  • 信欣
  • 成都信息工程大学资源环境学院, 成都 610225
  • 王锣
  • 成都信息工程大学资源环境学院, 成都 610225
  • 杜容霆
  • 成都信息工程大学资源环境学院, 成都 610225
  • 李易玲
  • 成都信息工程大学资源环境学院, 成都 610225
  • 勾钰霞
  • 成都信息工程大学资源环境学院, 成都 610225
  • 摘要:在连续流合建式反应器内接种普通活性污泥,以实际猪场沼液作为进水,保持温度为(30±1)℃,控制低溶解氧(DO浓度为(0.5±0.1)mg· L-1),通过分阶段提高氨氮浓度的方式启动CANON(Completely autotrophic nitrogen removal over nitrite)工艺,同时采用高通量测序技术对反应器启动前后的微生物种群结构进行分析.结果表明,反应器可在210 d实现成功启动CANON工艺,启动成功后,当猪场沼液进水氨氮浓度为450 mg· L-1时,氨氮和总氮的去除率分别达到69.8%和61.1%;出水(NO3--N+NO2--N)/△NH4+接近0.11.同时,CANON工艺启动成功后,微生物种群结构发生了很大的变化:其优势菌门为变形菌门(Proteobacteria)(36.16%)、绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi)(14.22%)、浮霉菌门(Planctomycetes)(11.07%)、酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria)(10.41%)和绿菌门(Chlorobi)(12.82%);与脱氮功能相关的菌属为Candidatus_Brocadia(ANAMMOX菌)、Nitrosomonas(AOB菌)、Comamonadaceae(反硝化菌)和Xanthomonadaceae(反硝化菌)等.
  • Abstract:A successful start-up of a completely autotrophic nitrogen removal over nitrite (CANON) process treating anaerobic digester liquor of swine wastewater (ADLSW) was achieved in a continuous-flow biofilm reactor(CFBR) by gradually increasing the influent ammonium (NH4+-N) concentration and controlling the low dissolve oxygen (DO) ((0.5±0.1) mg·L-1).The temperature was maintained at (30±1)℃. High-throughput sequencing technique was used to monitor the evolution of the bacterial community. The results demonstrate that a successful start-up of CANON process was accomplished in 210 d. When the influent ammonia nitrogen concentration was 450 mg·L-1, the average ammonium removal efficiency and total nitrogen removal efficiency was up to 69.8% and 61.1%, respectively. And the effluent (NO3--N+NO2--N)/△NH4+-N ratio was closed to 0.11. At the same time, compared to the seed sludge, the microbial communities had remarkable changes in the sludge of CANON process. The dominant microbial population at phylum level wereProteobacteria (36.16%), Chloroflexi (14.22%), Planctomycetes (11.07%), Acidobacteria (10.41%) and Chlorobi (12.82%). The dominant bacterial species related to nitrogen transformation were Candidatus_Brocadia, Nitrosomonas, Comamonadaceae and Xanthomonadaceae.

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