
  • 赵毅,韩立鹏.660 MW超低排放燃煤电站汞分布特征研究[J].环境科学学报,2019,39(3):853-858

  • 660 MW超低排放燃煤电站汞分布特征研究
  • Distribution characteristics of mercury in 660 MW coal-fired power plant with ultra-low emission
  • 基金项目:国家重点研发计划(No.2016YFC0203701)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 赵毅
  • 华北电力大学, 北京 102206
  • 韩立鹏
  • 1. 华北电力大学, 北京 102206;2. 国家能源煤炭清洁低碳发电技术研发实验中心(中国华能集团清洁能源技术研究院有限公司), 北京 102209
  • 摘要:对某660 MW超低排放燃煤电站进行汞形态和浓度监测,实验结果表明:在SCR前烟气中,汞主要以单质游离态存在,SCR催化剂对Hg0氧化率约为20.22%.烟冷器内Hg0向Hgp和Hg2+转化,Hgp浓度增加72.18%,Hg2+浓度增加55.40%.低温电除尘不仅可以脱除Hgp,对Hg0和Hg2+也具有协同脱除作用,Hg0浓度下降47.14%,Hg2+浓度下降68.70%.经过湿法脱硫后Hg0浓度由0.37 μg·m-3升高到0.86 μg·m-3,Hg2+在湿法脱硫装置内被还原为Hg0.大气汞排放浓度在0.82~0.95 μg·m-3之间,远低于标准要求.超低排放电站产生的汞大部分进入粉煤灰(68.35%),大气排放的汞为21.20%,进入石膏中的汞为4.87%,进入脱硫废水处理站固废5.53%.超低排放环保设备总的协同脱汞效率为78.77%,大气汞排放因子(EF、EF)分别为6.07 μg·kg-1和1.70 μg·kW-1·h-1.
  • Abstract:The speciation and quantity of mercury were monitored and tested in a 660 MW coal-fired power plant with ultra-low air pollutant control technologies. The results show that mercury is existed as elemental mercury(Hg0) before SCR and 20.22% elemental mercury (Hg0) are converted as oxidized mercury (Hg2+) by SCR catalyst. And Majority of Hg0 in low-temperature economizer was converted to Hgp and Hg2+, the concentration of Hgp and Hg2+ increased by 72.18% and 55.40% respectively. Low-low temperature ESP has the significantly synergistic removal of Hg0 and Hg2+, the concentration of Hg0 and Hg2+ decreased by 47.14% and 68.70% respectively. Besides, The concentration of Hg0 increase from 0.37 μg·m-3 to 0.86 μg·m-3 after WFGD, since Hg2+ is reduced to Hg0 in WFGD. The concentration of mercury emission is about 0.82~0.95 μg·m-3, which is far below the national standards. Most of the mercury is left in fly ash, accounted for 68.35%, the rest of mercury is lest in the atmospheric emission with 21.20%, gypsum with 4.87%, and the desulfurization wastewater with 5.53%. In total, the mercury removal efficiency of ultra-low emission environmental protection equipment is 78.77%, Emission factors of mercury for coal and electricity of the power plant are 6.07 μg·kg-1 and 1.70 μg·kW-1·h-1respectively.

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