• 王肖丽,余宇帆,黄志炯,蔡慧华,李成,周咪,刘玲英,罗超,庄延娟,郑君瑜.基于实地调研的广东省工业VOC排放清单改进研究[J].环境科学学报,2019,39(4):1013-1024

  • 基于实地调研的广东省工业VOC排放清单改进研究
  • Improvement and research on industrial VOC emission inventory in Guangdong Province based on the field investigation
  • 基金项目:国家杰出青年科学基金(No.41325020);广东省省级科技计划项目(No.2017B050504002);国家自然科学基金(No.91744310)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 王肖丽
  • 华南理工大学环境与能源学院, 广州 510006
  • 余宇帆
  • 广东环境保护工程职业学院, 佛山 528216
  • 黄志炯
  • 暨南大学环境与气候研究院, 广州 511486
  • 蔡慧华
  • 广东环境保护工程职业学院, 佛山 528216
  • 李成
  • 暨南大学环境与气候研究院, 广州 511486
  • 周咪
  • 广东环境保护工程职业学院, 佛山 528216
  • 刘玲英
  • 广东环境保护工程职业学院, 佛山 528216
  • 罗超
  • 广东环境保护工程职业学院, 佛山 528216
  • 庄延娟
  • 广东环境保护工程职业学院, 佛山 528216
  • 郑君瑜
  • 华南理工大学环境与能源学院, 广州 510006
  • 摘要:工业源是人为源挥发性有机物(VOC)排放的重要贡献源,然而现有基于统计年鉴数据建立的工业VOC排放清单仍然存在排放源缺失、排放量低估、空间分配精度不足等问题.为了提高清单表征及空间分配的精细度,本文在2014年基于统计年鉴数据建立的广东省工业VOC排放清单的基础上,利用问卷调研方式获取了12000多家工业企业的详细活动水平数据,对工业VOC排放表征与空间分配进行改进,进而建立了基于实地调研和统计年鉴数据相结合的2014年广东省工业VOC排放改进清单.结果表明,改进后广东省工业VOC清单排放量由500927 t增至716470 t,珠三角地区行业VOC排放量增加30%左右,非珠三角地区增加90%左右,其中,炼油及石化行业VOC排放量变化最为明显.改进前清单借助人口密度等空间地理信息为空间分配依据,导致部分VOC排放分配到工业源较少的居民区或市中心;改进后的空间分配优先采用基于经纬度信息的点源分配方法,点源调研数据使得分配后的工业VOC主要集中在工业园区,少数工业VOC排放分配给人类活动有限的偏远农村地区,分配结果更为合理、精细.利用CAMx模型结合实际观测站点监测结果评估此次改进对O3生成的影响,总体上改进后清单提高了广州、东莞、惠州和茂名等城市的O3峰值期的模拟浓度,降低了东莞及广州O3污染时期的模拟偏差,部分被低估的模拟峰值可以提高6~9 μg·m-3;同时,空间分配的改进也影响了城市间O3传输模拟.
  • Abstract:Industrial source was one of the largest contributors to anthropogenic VOC emissions. However, the industrial VOC emission inventory, mainly developed based on the statistical yearbook, was typically underestimated and had high uncertainty in spatial allocation. This study proposed an emission update method that combines the statistical yearbook data and field investigation or survey data to refine the estimation and spatial allocation of the industrial VOC emission inventory. The method was used to refine the 2014-based industrial VOC emissions in Guangdong Province as a case study, in which more than 12000 detailed activity data of industries was used.Results show that the updated industrial VOC emissions increased from 500927 tons to 716470 tons, increased by 30% in the Pearl River Delta region and 90% in the Non Pearl River Delta region.Oil refining and petrochemical industry VOC emissions saw the most obvious change. Surrogate data, such as population density data, was typically used for spatial allocation of industrial VOC emissions. But it might inappropriately allocate the industrial VOC emissions into the downtown or residential areas where there are few VOC industrial emission sources. Using the update method, most industrial VOC emissions were allocated to the industry zone according to the detailed location information of industry. Only few of industrial VOC emissions were allocated to urban areas and remote areas with few human activities. Obviously, the spatial allocation of industrial VOC emissions using the update method is more reasonable. Finally, the impact of updated industrial VOC emissions on O3 simulations were investigated using the CAMx model. Analysis was made from its results compared with monitoring data. It turns out that the updated industrial VOC emissions enhanced O3 simulation during peak periods particularly in Guangzhou, Dongguan, Huizhou and Maoming City, and reduced the simulation error of the peak period when ozone pollution occurs in Guangzhou and Dongguan. Underestimated O3 simulation could be increased by 6~9 μg·m-3 during the pollution peak period. Meanwhile, the optimization of spatial allocation could influence regional transport of O3.

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