• 张敏,李令军,赵文慧,许金浩,赵文吉.密云水库上游河流水质空间异质性及其成因分析[J].环境科学学报,2019,39(6):1852-1859

  • 密云水库上游河流水质空间异质性及其成因分析
  • Spatial heterogeneity and cause analysis of water quality in the upper streams of Miyun Reservoir
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年科学基金(No.41101404);北京科委项目(No.Z181100005518009)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 张敏
  • 首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院, 北京 100048
  • 李令军
  • 北京市环境保护监测中心, 北京 100048
  • 赵文慧
  • 北京市环境保护监测中心, 北京 100048
  • 许金浩
  • 首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院, 北京 100048
  • 赵文吉
  • 首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院, 北京 100048
  • 摘要:于2018年非汛期(4-5月)和汛期(8-9月)在潮白河上游流域布设28个监测断面,监测了11项水质指标并进行统计分析,同时,结合GIS空间分析功能来分析水质时空变化特征及其成因.结果显示:从时间上来看,密云水库上游水质表现为汛期差于非汛期,非汛期主要污染物为TP,其均值(0.29 mg·L-1)超过了Ⅲ类水质标准且变异系数较高(0.89),存在显著的空间差异,受点源、沿河岸农业面源和第一产业活动的影响较大;汛期主要污染物为TN,其均值(5.98 mg·L-1)超出了Ⅴ类水质标准但变异系数不高(0.55),有机物和泥沙的变异系数相比非汛期都有所增加,说明汛期呈现更加显著的变异性,受流域面源、第一产业和生活污染的影响较重;从空间上来看,潮河水质差于白河,潮河主要污染物是TN和TP,主要受农业面源和第一产业活动的影响,白河主要污染物为TP和有机物,主要受第三产业和第一产业的影响,受农业面源污染的影响相对较低.
  • Abstract:In non-flood (April to May) and flood period (August to September) of 2018, 28 monitoring sections in the upper reaches of Miyun Reservoir were mounted and 11 water quality indicators were recorded for each section. Water quality analysis was conducted using GIS spatial analysis functions to map water quality variations in this area over the two periods. The analysis results show that water quality over the flood period in upper reaches of the Miyun Reservoir is worse than that of the non-flood period. The main pollutant in non-flood period is TP. The average value of TP (0.29 mg·L-1) exceeds the Class Ⅲ water quality standard, and the variation coefficient is 0.89. The main causes are point sources, agricultural sources along upstream rivers and primary industry activities. The main pollutant in flood season is TN (5.98 mg·L-1) which exceeds Class V water quality standard. The variation coefficient is not high(0.55), but increases for organic matter and sediment, indicating that the change in flood season is more prominent, mainly due to non-point source pollution. The primary industry and living pollution are more serious. Water quality of the Chaohe River is worse than that of the Baihe River. TN and TP are mainly affected by agricultural non-point sources and primary industry activities. The main pollutants of Baihe River are TP and organic matter, which are mainly affected by service sectors in industry and agriculture. Agricultural non-point source pollution is relatively low.

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