• 刘晓红,王慧.基于中欧对比视角的货运机动车尾气排放PM2.5分析研究[J].环境科学学报,2019,39(8):2830-2838

  • 基于中欧对比视角的货运机动车尾气排放PM2.5分析研究
  • An analysis of vehicle-related PM2.5 emissions: The perspective from China and Europe
  • 基金项目:北京市自然科学基金(No.9162015);国家自然科学基金(No.71774182,71573292)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 刘晓红
  • 中央财经大学商学院, 北京 100081
  • 王慧
  • 中国科学院大学经济与管理学院, 北京 100190
  • 摘要:基于中欧对比视角,本研究运用扩展的Kaya模型以及LMDI (Logarithmic-Mean Divisia Index)对货运机动车尾气排放PM2.5的影响因素进行分析.分析表明:尽管中欧货运机动车PM2.5排放近年来持续下降,但中国的排放强度远高于欧盟15国(EU15)平均水平.从分解因素来看,货运量增加是中国货运机动车PM2.5排放增加的最主要影响因素,但该因素的作用自2013年以来极为微小.而EU15货运机动车PM2.5排放量增加最主要的因素是较高的用车次数.此外,越来越严格的排放标准为中国和EU15降低PM2.5排放都做出了突出的贡献.
  • Abstract:Building upon the data collected from China and fifteen countries in European Union (EU15), this study investigates vehicle-related PM2.5 emissions and the driving factors by applying the Kaya model and the LMDI (Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index) technique. The research results reveal that, although the volume of vehicle-related PM2.5 emissions has declined in China and EU15 in recent years, the emission intensity in China is higher than that in EU. In addition, when viewed from driving factors, it is found that the increase of freight volume is the most important factor that influences the increase of vehicle-related PM2.5 emissions in China, though its effect is minimal since 2013. By contrast, the higher frequency of vehicle usage is identified as the major factor that influences the increase of vehicle-related PM2.5 emissions in EU15. Moreover, the enforcement of stringent standards on emissions has made a significant contribution to the reduction of vehicle-related PM2.5 emissions in both China and EU15.

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