• 纪尚平,王丽涛,赵乐,齐孟姚,鲁晓晗,王雨,刘振通,谭静瑶,刘营营,杜超.邯郸市PM2.5中碳组分的浓度、来源及其变化[J].环境科学学报,2019,39(9):2873-2880

  • 邯郸市PM2.5中碳组分的浓度、来源及其变化
  • Concentrations, sources and changes of carbon fractions in PM2.5 in Handan
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.41475131);大气重污染成因与治理攻关项目(No.DQGG-05-09,DQGG-01-07,DQGG-02-09,DQGG-03-04);河北省杰出青年科学基金(No.D2017402086);河北省青年拔尖人才支持计划;河北省高校百名优秀创新人才支持计划(No.SLRC2017025);河北省人才工程培养经费(No.A2016002022);邯郸市科学技术研究与发展计划项目(No.1723209055-3);河北工程大学创新团队领军人才培育基金项目
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 纪尚平
  • 1. 河北工程大学能源与环境工程学院环境工程系, 邯郸 056038;2. 河北省大气污染成因与影响重点实验室, 邯郸 056038
  • 王丽涛
  • 1. 河北工程大学能源与环境工程学院环境工程系, 邯郸 056038;2. 河北省大气污染成因与影响重点实验室, 邯郸 056038
  • 赵乐
  • 1. 河北工程大学能源与环境工程学院环境工程系, 邯郸 056038;2. 河北省大气污染成因与影响重点实验室, 邯郸 056038
  • 齐孟姚
  • 1. 河北工程大学能源与环境工程学院环境工程系, 邯郸 056038;2. 河北省大气污染成因与影响重点实验室, 邯郸 056038
  • 鲁晓晗
  • 1. 河北工程大学能源与环境工程学院环境工程系, 邯郸 056038;2. 河北省大气污染成因与影响重点实验室, 邯郸 056038
  • 王雨
  • 1. 河北工程大学能源与环境工程学院环境工程系, 邯郸 056038;2. 河北省大气污染成因与影响重点实验室, 邯郸 056038
  • 刘振通
  • 1. 河北工程大学能源与环境工程学院环境工程系, 邯郸 056038;2. 河北省大气污染成因与影响重点实验室, 邯郸 056038
  • 谭静瑶
  • 1. 河北工程大学能源与环境工程学院环境工程系, 邯郸 056038;2. 河北省大气污染成因与影响重点实验室, 邯郸 056038
  • 刘营营
  • 1. 河北工程大学能源与环境工程学院环境工程系, 邯郸 056038;2. 河北省大气污染成因与影响重点实验室, 邯郸 056038
  • 杜超
  • 河北省邯郸环境监测中心, 邯郸 056000
  • 摘要:为明确邯郸市PM2.5中碳组分污染浓度、来源和近年来的变化,分别于2015和2017年1、4、7、10月在河北工程大学能环实验楼4层采集PM2.5样品,采用热/光碳分析仪测定了样品中8种碳组分含量,并计算得到有机碳(OC)、元素碳(EC)、Char-EC和Soot-EC含量.结果表明,2017年PM2.5中碳组分浓度较2015年下降约15%,质量分数下降约17%,季节变化均表现为冬高夏低的特点;2017年SOC浓度和SOC/PM2.5、SOC/OC比值均低于2015年,SOC浓度和SOC/PM2.5比值下降约36%,季节分布特征相似(秋冬高、春夏低).两年除夏季外,其余季节OC、EC相关系数均高于0.7,表明存在共同来源;2017年OC、OC1与EC相关性高于2015年,此外,两年中EC1~EC3、Char-EC和Soot-EC与各组分相关系数差异较大;两年中Char-EC与OC、EC的相关性(r=0.5~1.0)明显高于Soot-EC与OC、EC的相关性(r=0.1~0.6),这主要与二者形成机理有关.碳组分之间的关系和主成分分析结果表明,燃煤、生物质燃烧和柴油车尾气的混合源是2015年碳质组分的主要来源,而2017年则来源于燃煤和机动车尾气排放.
  • Abstract:To identify the pollution concentrations, sources and recent changes of carbon components of PM2.5 in Handan, PM2.5 samples were collected on the fourth floor of the Experimental of Energy and Environmental Engineering Hebei University of Engineering in January, April, July and October in 2015 and 2017. Eight carbon fractions were analyzed by a thermal/optical carbon analyzer, and organic carbon(OC), elemental carbon (EC), Char-EC and Soot-EC were calculated as well. The results showed that the concentration of carbon in 2017 decreased about 15% compared to that in 2015, and the mass fraction decreased about 17%.The seasonal variationswerecharacterized by higher in winter and lowerinsummer; the SOC concentration, SOC/PM2.5, SOC/OC ratio in 2017 werelower than that in 2015. The SOC concentration and SOC/PM2.5 ratio decreased about 36%, and the seasonal distribution characteristics were similar (higher in autumn and winter, lower in spring and summer). Except in summer, the correlation coefficients of OC and EC in other seasons were higher than 0.7, indicating that there were common sources.In 2017, the correlation between OC1 and EC, OC and EC were higher than that in 2015.In addition, the correlation coefficient of EC1~EC3, Char-EC and Soot-EC with each component wasquite different in two years. The correlation between Char-EC and OC,Char-EC and EC (r=0.5~1.0) in two years weresignificantly higher than that of Soot-EC and OC, Soot-ECand EC (0.1~0.6), which was mainly related to the formation mechanism of the two species. Relationships betweeneach carbonaceous species and theprincipal component analysis indicated thatcoal combustion, biomass burning, and diesel exhaust werethemain emission sourceof carbonaceousaerosols in 2015, while the coal combustion and vehicle emissioncontributed tocarbonaceous species in 2017.

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