• 许芬,张如锋,沈芷璇,陈家斌,侯梓峰,黄天寅.UV/H2O2降解美罗培南的影响因素及毒性研究[J].环境科学学报,2019,39(12):4031-4038

  • UV/H2O2降解美罗培南的影响因素及毒性研究
  • Degradation of meropenem by UV/H2O2: Influencing factors and antibacterial acticity
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.51778391);江苏省研究生科研与实践创新计划项目(No.KYCX18_2557)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 许芬
  • 苏州科技大学环境科学与工程学院, 苏州 215009
  • 张如锋
  • 苏州科技大学环境科学与工程学院, 苏州 215009
  • 沈芷璇
  • 苏州科技大学环境科学与工程学院, 苏州 215009
  • 陈家斌
  • 同济大学环境科学与工程学院, 上海 200092
  • 侯梓峰
  • 苏州科技大学环境科学与工程学院, 苏州 215009
  • 黄天寅
  • 苏州科技大学环境科学与工程学院, 苏州 215009
  • 摘要:利用波长为254 nm的紫外灯活化过氧化氢(H2O2)氧化降解美罗培南(MPN),考察了H2O2投加量、初始pH值、水中常见共存阴离子(Cl-、HCO3-、NO3-)和天然有机化合物(NOM)等重要影响因素对MPN降解的影响.结果表明,紫外光功率为4 W,初始pH为7.0,n(H2O2)/n(MPN)=20:1时,反应20 min后,MPN的降解率达到97.8%.H2O2投加量的增加会加快MPN的降解速率,Cl-和HCO3-对UV/H2O2体系中MPN去除效果的影响较小,极少量的NO3-会促进MPN的降解,当NO3-的浓度≥ 10 mg·L-1时,MPN的降解受到抑制,且离子浓度越高,抑制程度表现越明显.NOM的存在对MPN的降解有抑制作用.与纯水相比,MPN在实际水体中的去除受到抑制,归因于水体基质的影响.大肠杆菌的急性毒性实验研究表明,MPN的中间转化产物保留了一些抗菌性能,但光解的最终产物无抗菌性能.
  • Abstract:The degradation of meropenem (MPN) by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)/UV was investigated. The influencing factors including H2O2 dosage, initial pH, coexisting anions (Cl-,HCO3-,NO3-) and natural organic matter (NOM) on the degradation of MPN were explored. The results show that with the UV power 4 W, initial pH 7.0, and n(H2O2)/n(MPN) at 20:1, the removal of MPN reached 97.8% within 1200 s. The increase of H2O2 dosage accelerated the degradation rate of MPN. Cl- and HCO3- had little effect on the removal of MPN in the UV/H2O2 system. The extremely low NO3- concentration promoted the degradation of MPN. When NO3- concentration was over 0.119 mmol·L-1, the degradation of MPN was inhibited. as the NO3- concentration increased, the inhibition more pronounced. The presence of NOM had an inhibitory effect on the degradation of MPN. The removal of MPN in the actual water bodies was suppressed compared to pure water due to the influence of the water matrix. Acute toxicity studies of E.coli indicated that the intermediate conversion product of MPN retained some antibacterial properties, but the fate of MPN had no antibacterial properties.

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