• 赵辉,郑有飞,张誉馨,王占山.京津冀大气污染的时空分布与人口暴露[J].环境科学学报,2020,40(1):1-12

  • 京津冀大气污染的时空分布与人口暴露
  • Spatiotemporal distribution and population exposure of air pollution in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(No.41475108)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 赵辉
  • 1. 南京信息工程大学中国气象局气溶胶与云降水重点开放实验室, 南京 210044;2. 南京信息工程大学大气物理学院, 南京 210044
  • 郑有飞
  • 1. 南京信息工程大学中国气象局气溶胶与云降水重点开放实验室, 南京 210044;2. 南京信息工程大学大气物理学院, 南京 210044
  • 张誉馨
  • 香港科技大学理学院, 香港 999077
  • 王占山
  • 北京市环境保护监测中心, 北京 100048
  • 摘要:经济的快速发展和城市化导致京津冀地区的空气质量不断恶化,已经引起学术界广泛的关注.为了揭示近年来京津冀地区大气污染状况,本研究基于中国空气质量在线监测分析平台发布的PM2.5、PM10、SO2、CO、NO2和O3_8 h_max长期监测数据,采用统计学的方法分析了2014-2018年京津冀13个市这6种污染物的时空变化特征,结合各城市人口数据,评估了在此背景下该地区PM2.5和O3_8 h_max的人口暴露风险.结果表明:京津冀地区PM2.5、PM10、SO2、CO和NO2近年来整体上呈下降趋势,而O3_8 h_max则呈上升趋势.总体而言,PM2.5、PM10、SO2、CO和NO2表现为冬季最高、春秋季次之、夏季最低的特征,而O3_8 h_max则表现为夏季 > 春季 > 秋季 > 冬季的特点,并在月变化上呈倒"V"型,从1月份开始逐渐上升,在6月份达到峰值,而后又逐渐下降.空间上,PM2.5、PM10、SO2、CO和NO2呈现南高北低的分布特征,而O3_8 h_max在2014-2016年呈现北高南低的分布特征,但在2017-2018年则呈现南高北低的分布特点.此外,京津冀北部地区PM2.5的来源主要是一次气溶胶,而二次气溶胶是中部地区PM2.5的主要来源.除秦皇岛、承德和张家口外,其他城市细粒子在颗粒物中占的比重较大.随着近年来PM2.5浓度的降低,暴露于高浓度的PM2.5中的人口比例逐年减少,但距离年平均浓度限值还相差很远.除2014年外,暴露在O3浓度超标情况下的人口在2015-2017年逐渐上升.
  • Abstract:Rapid economic development and urbanization have led to worsening air quality in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, which has attracted widespread attention from academia. Based on the long-term monitoring data for PM2.5,PM10,SO2,CO,NO2 and O3_8 h_max released by China's air quality online monitoring and analysis platform, this study analyzed the temporal and spatial variation characteristics in the six pollutants from 13 cities of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region from 2013 to 2017 using statistical methods. Combined with the population data for each city,the study also evaluated the risk of population exposure to PM2.5 and O3_8 h_max. The results showed that the concentrations of PM2.5,PM10,SO2,CO and NO2 in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region exhibited a downward trend in recent years, while O3_8 h_max showed an upward trend. In general,the variations for PM2.5,PM10,SO2,CO and NO2 were similar,with the highest concentrations observed in winter,followed by spring and autumn,and the lowest concentrations in summer. The variations for O3_8 h_max were summed up as follows:summer > spring > autumn > winter. O3_8 h_max showed an inverted "V" pattern for monthly variations,it gradually increased from January to June,and then gradually decreased. Spatially,the concentrations of PM2.5,PM10,SO2,CO and NO2 in the Southern regions were higher than those in the Northern regions. In contrast,the concentrations of O3_8 h_max in the Southern regions were lower than those in the Northern regions during 2014-2016, and the opposite spatial distributions were observed during 2017-2018. In addition, lower PM2.5/CO ratios in the Northern regions indicated a significant role of primary particles in the formation of PM2.5. At the same time,the higher PM2.5/CO ratios in the central regions suggested the major role of secondary particles. Apart from Qinhuangdao, Chengde and Zhangjiakou, higher PM2.5/PM10 ratios in other cities indicated that fine particles accounted for a large proportion of airborne particles. With the decrease in PM2.5 concentrations in recent years, the proportion of the population exposed to high PM2.5 concentration has also gradually decreased,but it is still far to the new NAAQS in China (35 μg·m-3). Except for the year 2014, the population of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region exposed to O3 concentrations exceeding the Chinese NAAQS threshold gradually increased from 2015 to 2017.

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