• 赵爽,倪兆奎,黄冬凌,张波涛,冯明雷,陈宏文,王圣瑞.基于WQI法的鄱阳湖水质演变趋势及驱动因素研究[J].环境科学学报,2020,40(1):179-187

  • 基于WQI法的鄱阳湖水质演变趋势及驱动因素研究
  • Evolution of water quality of poyang lake using WQI method and driving factors identification
  • 基金项目:国家重点研发计划资助(No.2018YFD0900805);国家万人计划项目(No.312232102)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 赵爽
  • 北京师范大学水科学研究院城市水循环与海绵城市技术北京市重点实验室, 北京 100875
  • 倪兆奎
  • 北京师范大学水科学研究院城市水循环与海绵城市技术北京市重点实验室, 北京 100875
  • 黄冬凌
  • 首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院, 北京 100048
  • 张波涛
  • 北京师范大学水科学研究院城市水循环与海绵城市技术北京市重点实验室, 北京 100875
  • 冯明雷
  • 江西省环境保护科学研究院, 南昌 330029
  • 陈宏文
  • 江西省环境保护科学研究院, 南昌 330029
  • 王圣瑞
  • 1. 北京师范大学水科学研究院城市水循环与海绵城市技术北京市重点实验室, 北京 100875;2. 三峡大学水利与环境学院, 宜昌 443002
  • 摘要:选取2003-2016年16项水质参数,采用WQI水质指数法,研究了近14年鄱阳湖水质演变特征及影响因素.结果表明:①水质WQI均值为(37.61±7.71),处于"良好"水平,但氮磷污染较严重.②水质WQI值变化可分为两阶段,其中2003-2010年间年际变化较大,WQI(TP)由70.7下降至65.20,而WQI(TN)由59.44增加至67.43,相比而言TP污染程度较TN严重;2011-2016年总体稳定,年际变化较小,而WQI(TP)和WQI(TN)值却显著增加,这一阶段TN污染程度超过TP.③鄱阳湖水质2003-2010年TN浓度增加与工业废水和生活污染负荷增加相关,而TP浓度下降则与流域磷污染控制加强有关;2011-2016年,TN和TP浓度增加与生活及旅游污染负荷快速增加密切相关;水质空间变化与"五河"入湖氮磷负荷有关,表现为北部湖区水质较好,西南湖区TP超标严重,而东南湖区TN污染程度最高.
  • Abstract:The water quality evolution characteristics and its influencing factors of Poyang Lake were studied by using the WQI method based on the monitoring data of 2003-2016. The results show that the WQI value of water quality was 37.61±7.71 in average from 2003 to 2016. TN and TP has higher pollution level compared with other indexes. The changes of WQI values can be divided into two stages, a great variation period between 2003 and 2010, with the WQI (TP) values decreased from 70.7 to 65.2 whereas WQI (TN) values increased from 59.4 to 67.4. The pollution level of P was higher than N during this period of time. In addition, the WQI values were gradually stable from 2011 to 2016. However, the WQI(TN) and WQI(TP) values increased significantly, and the pollution level of N exceeded that of P in this period. Statistic analysis suggests that the increase of TN concentration was closely related to industrial and domestic wastewater discharge, and the decrease of TP was largely attributed to the enhanced P load control in the watershed from 2003 to 2010. From 2011 to 2016, the increasing of TN and TP concentrations were closely related to the rapid increasing of domestic wastewater and tourism pollution. The water quality in northern area was better than other areas. TP concentration exceeds the standard in the southwest lake area, and the TN pollution in the southeast lake area was the highest. Overall, the spatial distribution of water quality in Poyang Lake was closely related to the N and P loads from the "Five river".

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