• 宋晓伟,郝永佩,朱晓东.长三角城市群机动车污染物排放清单建立及特征研究[J].环境科学学报,2020,40(1):90-101

  • 长三角城市群机动车污染物排放清单建立及特征研究
  • Vehicular emission inventory establishment and characteristics research in the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration
  • 基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(No.2016YFA0600502);山西省高等学校科技创新项目(No.2019L0491);山西省哲学社会科学规划课题(No.2019B173)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 宋晓伟
  • 1. 山西财经大学资源环境学院, 太原 030006;2. 污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室, 南京大学环境学院, 南京 210046
  • 郝永佩
  • 南京大学地理与海洋科学学院, 南京 210046
  • 朱晓东
  • 污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室, 南京大学环境学院, 南京 210046
  • 摘要:为研究长三角城市群机动车污染物排放特征,本研究应用COPERTⅣ模型估算1999-2017年长三角城市群机动车污染物CO、NMVOC、NOx、PM2.5、PM10、CO2、CH4、N2O、NH3和SO2排放因子,建立排放清单,并对其排放特征展开分析,结果表明:1999-2017年不同污染物时间变化趋势存在差异,污染物CO、NMVOC、NOx、PM2.5、PM10和CH4排放量呈现先增长后下降的趋势,但开始下降的年份不同,CO2和NH3排放量增长趋势显著,2017年相对于1999年分别增加621%和3925%,N2O和SO2排放量总体呈上升趋势并在特定年份下降明显;污染物排放空间分布与路网分布基本一致,沿海地区的排放强度要明显大于内陆地区,特别是长江下游、杭州湾和太湖附近的城市最为明显;轻型客车为污染物CO、NMVOC、CO2、CH4、N2O和NH3的主要贡献车型,重型货车和重型客车为污染物NOx、PM2.5、PM10和SO2主要贡献车型;长三角城市群各城市机动车污染物排放量的差别主要与各城市机动车保有量有关,上海市各污染物贡献率下降幅度明显,机动车污染物主要贡献城市除了省会城市和直辖市之外,其余城市的污染物排放也不容忽视.
  • Abstract:In order to study the vehicular emission characteristics in the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration,this article used the COPERT Ⅳ model to estimate the vehicular emission factors of CO,NMVOC,NOx,PM2.5,PM10,CO2,CH4,N2O,NH3,and SO2 and established the emission inventories from 1999 to 2017,then analyzed its emission characteristics.The results showed that there were differences in the time trends of different pollutants.The emissions of CO,NMVOC,NOx,PM2.5,PM10,and CH4 tended to increase first and then decline,but the years that began to decline were different;the emissions of CO2 and NH3 showed the most significant growth trend,increasing by 621% and 3925% in 2017 compared with 1999;the emissions of N2O and SO2 showed increased trend in general and decreased obviously in a certain year.The spatial distributions of pollutant emissions were consistent with the distributions of road network.The emission intensity of coastal areas was significantly larger than that of inland areas,especially the cities near the downstream of Yangtze River,Hangzhou Bay,and Taihu Lake.PC was the main contribution vehicle of CO,NMVOC,CO2,CH4,N2O,and NH3;HDT and BUS were the main contribution vehicles of NOx,PM2.5,PM10,and SO2.The differences of vehicular emissions in cities were mainly related to the vehicle quantity in each city.The contribution rates of all pollutants in Shanghai decreased significantly.Besides the provincial capitals and municipalities,the pollutant emissions in other cities could not be ignored.

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