
  • 高泽晨,张天阳,黄飘怡,徐斌.应用紫外/氯组合工艺去除微污染原水中氨氮的特性研究[J].环境科学学报,2019,39(10):3427-3433

  • 应用紫外/氯组合工艺去除微污染原水中氨氮的特性研究
  • UV/chlorine process for the removal of ammonia nitrogen in micro-polluted water
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.51778444,51808222);国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(No.2017ZX07207004);中央高校基础科研项目(No.22120180123)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 高泽晨
  • 1. 同济大学环境科学与工程学院, 上海 200092;2. 上海污染控制与生态安全研究院, 上海 200092
  • 张天阳
  • 1. 同济大学环境科学与工程学院, 上海 200092;2. 上海污染控制与生态安全研究院, 上海 200092
  • 黄飘怡
  • 1. 同济大学环境科学与工程学院, 上海 200092;2. 上海污染控制与生态安全研究院, 上海 200092
  • 徐斌
  • 1. 同济大学环境科学与工程学院, 上海 200092;2. 上海污染控制与生态安全研究院, 上海 200092
  • 摘要:针对饮用水中氨氮超标对环境造成的污染问题,采用紫外/氯组合工艺对饮用水中氨氮进行降解研究.结果表明,紫外/氯高级氧化工艺可以有效去除水中氨氮.一方面,自由氯和氨氮之间发生取代反应将氨氮转化为氯胺,254 nm紫外光可有效裂解N—Cl键,一氯胺在254 nm处的摩尔吸光系数为354 L·mol-1·cm-1,量子产率为0.68 mol·E-1;另一方面,自由氯光解产生的自由基可直接氧化氨氮.随着紫外辐照剂量的增加,氨氮和总溶解性氮(TN)的浓度逐渐减少,当紫外辐照剂量达到1000 mJ·cm-2时,氨氮(起始浓度2 mg·L-1)和TN的去除率分别为53%和35%,相比单独氯化条件下分别提高了20%和15%.随着Cl2/N的增加,氨氮和TN的浓度逐渐减小,当Cl2/N≥1.6时,紫外/氯组合工艺对氨氮的去除率接近100%,当Cl2/N<1.6时,紫外/氯工艺对TN的去除率相比单独氯化工艺提高了30%左右.此外,氨氮去除率随pH升高而增加,而TN去除率随pH升高而降低.本研究结果可为紫外/氯组合工艺在水厂中的实际应用提供有效的理论和技术支持.
  • Abstract:The concentration of ammonia nitrogen exceeding standard is a common problem in drinking water. Because it's difficult to be effectively removed, and it's easy to produce nitrogen disinfection by-products in the treatment process. Therefore, an advanced oxidation process, UV/chlorine, was applied to remove ammonia nitrogen, and the removal efficiency was investigated. The results show that the UV/chlorine process can remove ammonia effectively. On the one hand, chloramine, which can be destructed by 254 nm UV photolysis (molar absorbance 354 L·mol-1·cm-1, quantum yield 0.68 mol·E-1), was produced through the reaction between chlorine and ammonia. On the other hand, the reactive species in UV/chlorine process can oxidize ammonia directly. When UV dose reached 1000 mJ·cm-2, the content of ammonia nitrogen decreased by 53%, which was nearly 20% higher than that in chlorination process, and the removal rate of TN also increased by 15%. When Cl2/N<1.6, the removal rate of TN in UV/chlorine process is about 30% higher than that in chlorination process. Moreover, the removal of ammonia was significantly enhanced with the increase of pH, while the removal of TN decreased. This study provides a solid theoretical basis for the practical application of UV/chlorine process in water plants.

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