
  • 王聪,王舒,李楠.石墨强化微生物异化铁还原合成蓝铁石的磷回收研究[J].环境科学学报,2019,39(10):3325-3332

  • 石墨强化微生物异化铁还原合成蓝铁石的磷回收研究
  • Phosphorus recovery through vivianite production by graphite enhanced microbial dissimilatory iron reduction
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.51778408)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 王聪
  • 天津大学环境科学与工程学院, 天津 300350
  • 王舒
  • 天津大学环境科学与工程学院, 天津 300350
  • 李楠
  • 天津大学环境科学与工程学院, 天津 300350
  • 摘要:蓝铁石结晶法磷回收是近年来国内外磷回收领域研究的热点.如何获得高产率的结晶产物,对于蓝铁石结晶法磷回收技术的广泛应用至关重要.本研究将不同投加量、不同粒径的石墨加入到混菌铁磷复合体系中培养22 d,探讨石墨对微生物异化铁还原合成蓝铁石过程的影响,以期为碳材料强化蓝铁石结晶法磷回收提供科学依据.结果表明:当石墨投加量为1 g·L-1、粒径为10 mm时,Fe(Ⅱ)含量在第10 d和第14 d时分别比对照组高12%和10%,对蓝铁石合成的强化作用最为明显.因此,1 g·L-1、10 mm的石墨投加条件为本实验中石墨强化微生物异化铁还原合成蓝铁石的最佳磷回收条件.实验末期测定了对照组和最佳石墨组体系中微生物蛋白含量,发现二者之间并无明显差异,表明石墨对微生物量的影响不大.此外,分析微生物群落结构变化发现,与原始污水水样相比,对照组和石墨组的变形菌门比例明显增加,且石墨组的增幅更大,表明石墨更利于变形菌的富集.由此推测,石墨对微生物异化铁还原合成蓝铁石的促进可能源于体系中石墨对变形菌门细菌的强化富集作用.
  • Abstract:Vivianite crystallization method is a hotspot in the field of phosphorus recovery in recent years. How to obtain high-yield crystalline products plays an important role in the wide application of vivianite recovery technology. In this study, graphite with different dosage and different particle sizes were added to the mixed iron-phosphorus system for 22 days to investigate the effect of graphite on the process of vivianite production by microbial dissimilatory iron reduction, so as to provide scientific basis on the phosphorus recovery. The results show that when the graphite dosage was 1 g·L-1 and the graphite particle size was 10 mm, the Fe(Ⅱ) content was 12% and 10% higher than the control group on the 10th and 14th day, respectively. At the end of the batch experiment, the microbial protein content of the control group and the optimal graphite group system was no significant difference, indicating that graphite had little effect on the microbial biomass. In addition, analysis of microbial community structure shows that compared with the original sewage sludge, the increased proportion of proteobacteria in the control and even higher for the graphite group were obtained, indicating that graphite is more conducive for the enrichment of the proteobacteria, which may in turn promote the vivianite production through microbial dissimilatory iron reduction.

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