
  • 车丽娜,刘硕,于益,万鲁河.哈尔滨市融雪径流中多环芳烃污染生态风险评价[J].环境科学学报,2019,39(10):3508-3515

  • 哈尔滨市融雪径流中多环芳烃污染生态风险评价
  • Ecological risk assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons pollution in snowmelt runoff in Harbin
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.41501033)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 车丽娜
  • 哈尔滨师范大学地理科学学院, 哈尔滨 150025
  • 刘硕
  • 哈尔滨师范大学地理科学学院, 哈尔滨 150025
  • 于益
  • 哈尔滨师范大学地理科学学院, 哈尔滨 150025
  • 万鲁河
  • 哈尔滨师范大学地理科学学院, 哈尔滨 150025
  • 摘要:根据2018年哈尔滨市春季融雪径流中16种PAHs检测数据,利用BaP毒性当量法和风险熵值法评价融雪径流中不同下垫面及各采样点中PAHs风险等级、16种PAHs单体风险等级和对水生生物的影响.结果表明:不同下垫面ΣPAHs的生态风险差异明显,城市道路、内部道路、人行道和绿地融雪径流中PAHs污染处于高生态风险等级,而屋面和冰面的生态风险处于较低水平.城市道路和内部道路均超出我国地表水环境质量标准2.8 ng·L-1,EBaP最高值分别为20.06和15.5 ng·L-1,人行道和绿地中部分EBaP值超标,屋面和冰面均未超标.从各PAHs单体RQ均值来看,Ant和BbF最高,其RQMPCs均值都为1.53,其次是BaA为1.46,Pyr为1.2,BghiP为1.04,均属高风险等级,其余单体均有中等生态风险.松花江干流水生生物对融雪径流中Pyr的毒性最强,Flu的毒性最弱,Nap的毒性居中.耐受性顺序依次为:Flu < Ace < Chr < Ant < Nap < Fla < BaP < Phe < Pyr.城市道路、内部道路和人行道融雪径流中PAHs对大型蚤和胖头鲤鱼的风险商均大于1,说明9种PAHs对这两种水生生物存在风险.比值法分析结果显示融雪径流中PAHs主要来源于燃烧过程,其中交通排放源显著,尤其是汽油车辆尾气排放.
  • Abstract:Based on the monitoring data of 16 kinds of PAHs in snowmelt runoff in Harbin, in spring 2018, the risk levels of PAHs in different underlying surfaces and in various sampling sites, the PAH monomers and their impacts on aquatic organisms were evaluated by using the method of BaP toxicity equivalence and risk entropy. The results indicate that the ecological risks of ΣPAHs on different underlying surfaces were significantly different. The PAHs pollution present in the snowmelt runoffs at urban roads, interior roads, sidewalks and greenbelt is at a high ecological risk level, while the ecological risk of those on roofs and ice surfaces is at low level. Those at both urban and interior roads exceed China's surface water environmental quality standard, and the highest EBaP values are 20.06 and 15.5 ng·L-1 respectively. Some EBaP values at the pedestrians, the middle of greenbelts, roofs and ice surfaces are found exceeding the norms. Viewing from the RQ mean value of each PAHs monomers, Ant and BbF are found in the highest, with the RQMPCs mean values of 1.53, followed by BaA (1.46), Pyr (1.2) and BghiP (1.04). All of above are in the high-risk levels and the rest monomers are in moderate ecological risk. in the snowmelt runoff, Pyr has shown the strongest PAH toxicity to aquatic organisms in the Songhuajiang Riverthe, and The order of toxicity tolerance is Flu > Ace > Chr > Ant > Nap > Fla > BaP > Phe > Pyr. The risk quotient of PAHs to fleas and carp was greater than 1 in the snowmelt runoffs on urban roads, internal roads and sidewalks, indicating that 9 kinds of PAHs pose risks to these two aquatic organisms. The ratio analysis shows that the PAHs present in the snowmelt runoffs mainly come from the combustion process, in which the traffic emissions are the significant contributors, especially the emissions of exhaust from gasoline vehicles.

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