
  • 杨舒茗,雷振,黄兴园,王俊,李倩,陈荣.AnMBR-Anammox耦合污水甲烷回收及自养脱氮的工艺特性研究[J].环境科学学报,2019,39(10):3265-3272

  • AnMBR-Anammox耦合污水甲烷回收及自养脱氮的工艺特性研究
  • Study on characteristics of coupled AnMBR-Anammox for biogas recovery and autotrophic nitrogen removal in domestic wastewater treatment
  • 基金项目:国家重点研发计划(No.2017YFE0127300);陕西省重点研发计划国际合作项目(No.2018KWZ-06);陕西省创新团队项目(No.2019TD-025)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 杨舒茗
  • 西安建筑科技大学, 环境与市政工程学院, 西安 710055
  • 雷振
  • 西安建筑科技大学, 环境与市政工程学院, 西安 710055
  • 黄兴园
  • 西安建筑科技大学, 环境与市政工程学院, 西安 710055
  • 王俊
  • 西安建筑科技大学, 环境与市政工程学院, 西安 710055
  • 李倩
  • 西安建筑科技大学, 环境与市政工程学院, 西安 710055
  • 陈荣
  • 西安建筑科技大学, 环境与市政工程学院, 西安 710055
  • 摘要:本研究分别启动了厌氧膜生物反应器(anaerobic membrane bioreactor,AnMBR)和部分亚硝化-厌氧氨氧化反应器(Partial Nitrification/Anammox,PN/A),两者达到稳态后耦合为"AnMBR+PN/Anammox"新系统,实现前段有机质甲烷化、后段自养脱氮的污水处理目的.耦合系统运行结果表明:化学需氧量(chemical oxygen demand,COD)在AnMBR的去除率为96%,其中80.3%的COD在此段转化为CH4,Anammox内一定的反硝化作用进一步强化了COD去除,系统COD总去除率达97%以上;氮污染物经AnMBR处理后均以NH4+-N形态存在,再经PN/A处理后,总氮(total nitrogen,TN)平均去除率达78%;系统出水COD和TN值分别低于13和11 mg·L-1.因此,AnMBR-Anammox耦合系统在同步实现污水甲烷回收、自养脱氮、低碳氮排放方面具有显著优势,本研究结果为开发AnMBR-Anammox耦合新工艺提供了理论依据.
  • Abstract:This study set-up an anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR) and a partial nitrification-anaerobic ammonia oxidation reactor (PN/Anammox), separately, and then two system were coupled to the "AnMBR+PN/Anammox" to achieve organics removal in AnMBR and post-autotrophic denitrification in PN/A. Results show that the COD removal efficiency in AnMBR was 96%, 80.3% of which was converted into CH4. The total COD removal efficiency of the coupled system exceeded 97% due to the denitrification in PN/A unit. AnMBR converted nitrogen pollutants into NH4+-N because of ammoniation. After PN/A treatment, the average TN removal efficiency was 78%. The COD and TN concentrations in effluent were lower than 13 and 11 mg·L-1, respectively. The AnMBR-Anammox coupled system has significant advantages in simultanous wastewater methane recovery, autotrophic nitrogen removal and low carbon/nitrogen emission. The results of this study provide a theoretical basis for the development of the new AnMBR-Anammox coupling process.

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